Monthly Archives: August 2018

Once God Rewires YOU, Live A Fully Engaged Life!

One of the biggest challenges we face is to stay fully engaged in life. That means living life with gusto. When we are fully engaged, if we cook a meal, we prepare something interesting. We don’t just grab a can

As You Get Rewired, Keep the Power Supply Open!

The Holy Spirit is not enthusiasm, compassion, or bravado! He might stimulate such emotions, but he himself is a person. He determines itineraries (Acts 16:6), distributes spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:7-11), and comforts (John 16:7 KJV). Jesus promised the following

Four Great Needs Only God Can Fulfill

Everyone has human needs that go beyond the physical. If we have food, water, and shelter, we can survive. But to truly thrive, there are spiritual and emotional needs that we all have. We all strive to find ways to
