When It Seems Like You’re Stuck in a Rut, Let God’s Rhythm Lead You to His Rewards!

Does it seem that you could be stuck in a rut?  Are the problems you are facing still the same, with little to no improvement? Have you tried almost everything you know to do and what you are going through

God will change what you’re struggling with eventually!

It can be hard to keep trusting in the Lord and expecting His goodness in your life when your circumstances appear to be stagnant. No 1 likes stagnation including God but Remember your circumstances did not happen overnight, so in

“Be exceedingly glad”, YOUR adversity is preparing YOU for “something greater”!

Each year, I look forward to watching the World Series. In my opinion, playoff baseball makes for some of the most exciting sporting competition of the year. I sometimes feel stressed out just watching the games, so I can’t imagine

Don’t Suffer In Silence, Use YOUR Voice and Pray!

What do you need today? Every day seems to present challenges. They vary in size and type, but they all seem big in our mind’s eye, and many times there is no debate: they are big. Whatever you need today,

Do you need a Worry lift?

The Bible tells us that "the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." If you are feeling brokenhearted, tired, disgusted, fed up, broken, sick or fed up, God is close to you and

There is “Hope” for when it looks like it is “still not working”!

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of despair, feeling like there is no way out? It’s in these moments that it can be difficult to see any light at the end of the tunnel. However, even in what

Is it really God “Opening” doors ” for YOU?

Just because an opportunity presents itself, and it looks appealing, doesn't necessarily mean it is from God. And likewise, just because an open door looks a little uncertain, doesn't mean you shouldn't walk through it. The key is knowing how to

Wait on God for your “fresh start”!

All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down

God is a God of details!

“Twenty-six cents! I can give more. Do You really want me to give only 26 cents?” This is what I thought as I asked God what I should put in a special offering to bless an unnamed family in our

God’s still working even if prayers are unanswered!

Sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we had hoped and sometimes He provides answers that we didn’t know we needed. Have you experienced this? The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:33 to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,

Hang in there! You’ll make it with God’s HELP!

Ever experienced a devastating disappointment that left you questioning everything you thought you knew? If so, you are in good company. As much as I would love to say my life has played out like a storybook fairy tale, I

If you’re tired or discouraged, trust God to help you find light in the darkness!

In times of distress, it can feel like hope is a distant memory. If you're tired, discouraged, angry, broke, or simply fed up, know that you’re not alone. Many Christians face moments where it seems like everything is against them,

Tired of going thru it? Trust God for help!

Are you in a season in your life where you’d just like to hide, escaping off the devil’s radar, fleeing from the fray for even just a day? There is a place of safety. The presence of God provides

Let God help you keep a positive attitude!

“Instead of spending all or most of your time thinking about how bad things are, how bad things have been and how things are still really not what you would want them to be, why not allow God to help you think about
