God has given you two choices!

We love choices. From the 1970s “Have It Your Way” Burger King jingle to the more than one hundred drink options in a Coca-Cola Freestyle drink machine, we like to express our preferences and make our selections. Having designed this characteristic

Wanna Know What to do as You wait on Prayers to be Answered?

What does God want you to do while you’re waiting on an answer to your prayer? Psalm 37:7 says, “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act” (NLT, second edition). God wants you

1 thing!

Why not focus on the idea of “one thing” for the remainder of 2022? What if instead of setting off in several directions this year, you decided instead to focus your attention on one direction or on one thing?

Tired? God can “Quench” your thirst and refresh you!

I enjoy long distance running. There is something exhilarating about the sound of my feet hitting the pavement whether it is the hottest day of summer, the coldest chill in the winter, or the most comfortable temperatures of spring or

God is “calling You” to rise up and walk!

One day, when Peter and John were going to the temple to pray, a man who was lame from birth asked the two disciples for money. Day after day, the lame man was carried to the temple gate called Beautiful,

When God Steps In!

Have you ever considered that some of the drama in your life could actually be God saving you from a more dangerous situation somewhere down the road? It occurred to me recently that since God knows the entire script of

Circumstances still haven’t improved? Send God a text message!

In times when life seems to go from bad to worse and the world questions where God is, I wonder what would happen if we had God’s cell phone number and could speak directly with Him. Would we call God

The mystery of unanswered prayers!

Have you ever prayed and prayed only to find that some of your prayers go unanswered? Have you ever wanted something so badly you could taste it and no matter how hard you prayed to God, He just didn't grant

Transform Bad Situations! Invite God’s Hand to show up!

Life can throw you into the midst of challenging and seemingly insurmountable situations that leave you feeling weary, discouraged, and even hopeless. As a Christian, you strive to walk in faith and endurance, trusting that God will intervene and bring

IF YOU have gotten tired of facing difficulities, YOU ought to let God help!

We all face times of trouble and stress at some point, and when it seems as though there are problems after problems it can be especially stressful. Recently, as I was reading Psalm 27, the Lord said to me, “I’m

Lamenting before God may help!

We come into this world crying. We cry again, frequently, while we’re young—usually because of some temporary pain or sadness which rudely snatches us away from the simple wonder of childhood. And then, despite the richness and beauty of life,

Your New is coming…..Got time For an Appointment?God wants to meet with You!

Imagine that you've been invited to meet with the President of the United States in the Oval Office. You'd likely look forward to your appointment with great excitement. Now imagine that someone much more exciting - the God of the

God is at work in Your Life!Trust in His Timing!

As we go through daily living, our job is to figure out what God is up to, in our lives as He works. He has created circumstances in your life that has put you where you are. Sometimes as God

Faced with “stubborn problems”? God’s got remedies for that!

We all face stubborn problems. You know, those issues that gnaw at your soul, stubbornly resistant to all your efforts to fix, change, or improve them. Whether it’s a chronic health issue, unrelenting financial struggles, or emotional scars that refuse
