Are you stuck in a rut as Christmas approaches?
Has this holiday season left you in situations less that what you had hoped for? Does it often feel like you are going around in circles and getting absolutely nowhere? Have you tried everything and it seems like whatever you try either does not work, isn’t for you or gives you results much less than what you had hoped for? If any of this describes you, you’re not alone. Statics show that millions of people around the world are stuck in bad marriages, bad relationships, bad jobs, businesses that does not earn enough money, failing health situations or other oppressive situations that stress you, strain you and try to push you to the brink of insanity.
You might wonder, why would such a good God allow someone He loves so much to be stuck in a rut, and then do absolutely nothing to get you out of the rut that you’ve been stuck in for so long now? You may wonder why God who has the power to change your circumstances does not. There are many reasons we’ve found that God does not move immediately to change ruts that people often find themselves in, we will cover 3 reasons that God may not change a rut if you’re in one even if it’s this close to Christmas.
3 Reasons God may not change ruts;
- God may be using your rut to detain you. Oftentimes when you’re stuck in a rut and you can’t move forward no matter what you do and you can’t seem to get anything to work, God often has His hand on you and you’re being held in His grip. Being detained by God usually means that God is holding you where you are, because He is not ready for you to go in the direction that you want to go or the way that you are trying to go just yet.
- God may be using your rut to train you.For where God is getting ready to lead you to next, God may need to keep you stuck in one place while He works on you, and teaches you what you need to know before you go into your next season. When you’re stuck in a rut because God is training you, it’s similar to being in school, in this type of rut experience God is always teaching you and training you something new to prepare you for where He is leading you to next and there is lots of testing.
- God may be keeping you in a rut because you are needed to help some 1 else.This type of rut happens when some 1 in your family is sick, or some 1 in your family needs help and God has selected you to be their caregiver, although you may not have officially signed up for the role of caregiver, if God has chosen you to care for some 1 else, unfortunately you will stay stuck because your new role is to care for the person that is sick or the person that needs help and your disposition while they are sick or need help is, you are stuck in a rut.
Believe it or not, God really does want you to have a good Christmas. He really does want you to be happy and to celebrate the birth of His one and only Son Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ this Christmas, so even if you are in a rut and you are still not feeling the Christmas Spirit, God is ready and willing to meet you in the rut that He’s allowed in your life. He wants to refresh you. He wants to impart within you new desires, new hopes and new visions. He wants you to understand that where you are is not where you are going to stay stuck. He does have a plan to turn things around for you. He wants to give you victory in your life, your finances and your health, unfortunately if you find yourself in a rut, obtaining that victory all depends on how well you do in the rut that God has allowed in your life. We can tell you first hand that it doesn’t matter how you try to get out of a rut that God has either put you in, or allowed you to be in, the rut won’t change until God is willing and ready to open up the latch to the rut, and let you walk out safely escaping with your life, your sanity and your health.
Want to handle the ruts in your house better? Join us in this simple prayer;
Heavenly Father,
I do want to feel and know the magic of Christmas. I do want to celebrate the birth of your 1 and only Son, our personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, please forgive me for not understanding why I feel like I am in a rut. Help me Father to deal with better, where you have placed me. Give me your Grace and mercy to endure the rut you’ve allowed in my life. Help me have zeal and zest for you, your word and your ways as I search for you, as I follow you. And as I try to figure out this maze called life that I am living. Help me understand why I am in the rut you’ve placed me in better and help me endure the rut that I may be in better so that I can obtain the rewards that you have for me for staying the course with you Father even though I may be in a rut. In Jesus name I ask and pray – Amen