Tag Archives: needs

Are you seeking God for a breakthrough?

Dear child of God, no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in right now, God wants you to prosper. Your circumstances may  seem like God neither cares for you or wants you to prosper, but be informed that your

This Good Friday,Look to God to provide for your resurrection!

Do you wonder how you will have sufficient strength to meet some demand made upon you? God will provide! Do you doubt your ability to cope with some situation, with the persons involved? God will provide! Do you need wisdom,

Silent Night,Holy Night!

Well ya’ll there is only 1 more day before Christmas, if you haven’t gotten all of your Christmas shopping done, you still have time. With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it is so easy to get in a

“Behold, I have put before you an open door” -Revelation 3:8

We are all, by nature,creatures of habit,easily lulled into complacency. However, God wants more from us so He nudges us forward, compelling us to change and to see the world through His eyes.As He does this, He reveals new opportunities

God wants to meet your needs!

God wants your life to be happy and fulfilled!He wants you to experience His highest and best blessings for your life!Each day can be incredible for you as you wake up and seek God for what He has in store

Are you waiting on God to answer your prayer?

Have you ever wondered why God makes you wait when you pray? Scripture makes it clear that our Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.Yet we all experience times when, though we pray for God to act right away,He does not.Have
