Tag Archives: Story

God is talking,do YOU hear Him?

Not many people in history, if any, have actually heard God's voice. You may wonder how do you actually hear God's voice? The way we listen to God is not through our ears, but through our hearts. The way

Do You think God Works All Things For Good?

That’s what Paul says in Romans 8:28 – And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good. We might respond: Really, Paul? ALL things? Even things like unemployment or cancer? And Paul would say: Yes.

Struggles exist for a reason!

Recently we've gotten dozens of prayer requests from around the world from people seeking and needing God to heal them because of the amount of sickness, pain and disease that seems to be occurring around the world. We decided to

Random News Around The World!

Making changes can help you seek God’s will It’s hard to shake free from the familiar, even when the familiar isn’t God’s best for us. We can see that evidenced in an extreme way in the lives of those plagued

Do You wonder if God Answer Prayers?

Have you ever wondered if  God Answers Prayers? Have Faith in God like the two little children in the video. See how God is faithful when you call on Him!

Random News Around The World!

Faith — Life’s unlimited treasure Satan is limited and has been defeated. Faith in the Word of God is unlimited. Matthew 12:34 says: “For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth will speaketh (the Word of God and

Random News Around The World!

Bringing vanished faith back to life Russian-born rabbi and scientist Moshe Finkleman had to fight for his faith while growing up in Soviet Russia. Now, with his new book God is not Dead: Man’s Pursuit of Faith in Judaism, inspired

Random News Around The World!

God knows what is best for us, even if it seems painful DEAR DR. GRAHAM: I prayed and prayed that God would heal my grandmother, but He didn’t. I know she was old and in poor health, but she raised

Are you the victim of God’s Pruning Shears?

Recently when we had one of our round table discussions about God and what He is currently doing in the lives of the people around the world, we began to realize that not only is God at work in their

As Christmas draws near!

  Have you ever thought about what Christmas really means to you?  We have. Almost everyone in our ministry has a different idea of what Christmas means to them. We all agree that Christmas is not about us, and it’s

Is your life like Brad?

Sometimes it might look like things cannot get much worse for you. You may not be able to see how anything could possibly turn around for you! The world may feel like it is cashing in on you from every

You don’t have to wear a Mask this Halloween to hide your pain!

In every part of the world, almost everyone is experiencing different weather conditions, different economic trends and different available opportunities, but we’ve noticed that one thing is constant no matter where in the world you may be located and that

The Gallon of Milk (A Christian Story)

"The Gallon of Milk" -a story of a man who got to experience God's miracle by a simple prayer and obeying God despite the doubts. Bonus for helping others as well..
