Tag Archives: Advantage

7 Ways The Enemy is Working To destroy YOUR Christmas!

There’s an enemy in this world, he’s crafty and cruel, he’s on the prowl, and he hates Christmas. The very truth that Jesus came to dwell among us and set us free from sin, makes Satan fiercely mad, and he

Things will get better,God Will turn things around!

John the Baptist was languishing in prison and questioning his faith. He may well have wondered some of the same things that may have crossed your mind, such as: Is Jesus the Messiah? Is His word true? Have I

Can God touch and guide YOU when YOU pray?

Sometimes life can be filled with many problems and those problems that life forces upon you can oftentimes make you feel not only very tired but fearful. But you don’t have to stay saddled down in the downcast anxious position

What if Your Weak areas are Part of God’s Plans?

It would be natural to think that someone so supremely important as the Lord God Almighty would only choose the most important, most educated, most confident people to act and speak on his behalf. This would make a lot of

What’s Next For You This Month?

Depending upon where you are in the world, We are in the month of February! Consider where have you been, where are you now, and where are you going. Where is Jesus in each of these? How has redemption

Are the Yabbotts Visiting YOU to “Try To Steal” YOUR Joy?

"I can't seem to find God at work anywhere in my life? Where is he? Has Jesus abandoned me? Look at all that is going wrong with me and with my life and with my church — how could God

God wants to invite you to work with Him to get to your promised land!

You may have already discovered that one of the paradoxes of your walk with God’s gifts is that often they require huge amounts of work on your part. After God delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians, the Lord led them

Next Time Someone or Something is Stressing You out – Pray!

You may have first learned to pray at your mothers knee. You decided that, in times of trouble, prayer could open up a pathway to enlightenment and peace. You might have said a prayer before a big test, before showing

Honoring The Job God Gave You Honors Him!

In what ways do most people honor God? Many people say, “I go to church to honor God.” “I read the Christian Bible to honor God.” “I pray and praise to honor God.” And yes, all of these are true
