Tag Archives: Evangelist

Meet with God “in the secret place”!

In college, I would often play gigs at local coffee shops to make extra money. I’d find coffee shops throughout town, ask if they needed live music, and then grab my guitar and my gear and play a show. I

Wanna good change in YOUR circumstances? *Grab your Power Boost*!

Life can be a rollercoaster ride, filled with ups and downs, challenges and triumphs. In those moments when weariness sets in and doubts start to creep in, it's important to find solace and inspiration. Today, we have a special treat

5 Things Satan Tempts you to do so YOU miss what God has for you!

I am not a fan of talking about Satan because I don’t believe he deserves the attention. However, the truth is: Satan is real and if we ignore his existence, it's easier for him to enter our lives and work

It’s a new month, it’s YOUR turn for a fresh start!

If you're feeling discouraged, know that it's never too late to start over. Whether you're looking to make a career change, start a new project, or just shift your mindset, God can help bring the fresh start you need. In

Choose The Right Key!

With a new season making an appearance, I wanted to take inventory of lawn chairs and garden supplies. I fumbled with the lock on my shed, using a key I thought would work. Not so. I tried a second key.

Hang in there! You’ll make it with God’s HELP!

Ever experienced a devastating disappointment that left you questioning everything you thought you knew? If so, you are in good company. As much as I would love to say my life has played out like a storybook fairy tale, I

Don’t Worry, The Mountain Mover is With YOU!

In days of darkness, God regularly delivers his comfort and strength to us through four simple words: “I am with you.” I am with you. The promise comes to God’s fearful people across time and testaments: to Isaac in Beersheba

The Bible Says “Do Not Worry about Tomorrow” -But, How Do We Do It?

“Do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than

Remember, you’re Not the only 1 Praying! The Holy Spirit Is Praying For You too!

The third person of the Trinity can be the forgotten God. We often miss His work by simply forgetting Who He is and what He is doing in our lives. God is triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And all

Seeking right pathways? Listen for God’s Guidance!

In our fast-paced and noisy world, finding moments of peace and clarity can be a challenge. However, setting aside daily quiet time to pray and listen for God’s voice can bring about profound transformation. If you are tired of what

Don’t Fear Failure, Instead Turn to and Trust in God!

A friend of mine told me her son just cannot take tests. He excels in his classwork, but when it comes to test-taking, his mind goes blank and he fails. This is the reason he is doing so poorly in

Confidence to Face the Future!

At 13-years old, I sat in the ophthalmologist's examining chair. With my face placed on the chin rest and my pupils dilated, the doctor shone a bright light into my eyes. "Hmmm…" he said. Then he leaned back on his

Does It Seems Your Life Is Going Nowhere?

One time J.R.R. Tolkein wrote a short story to help him process his own frustration with work. The story, Leaf by Niggle, was about an artist who had been commissioned to paint a mural on the side of city hall.

Meet the Holy Spirit – YOUR God Given Guide!

Of all the things that people pray for on a consistent basis, I would venture to say that guidance might be the one thing we never fail to ask for. It doesn’t matter what season of life or what our
