Tag Archives: heartache

Are you facing impossible situations?

Happy Good Friday! We hope this message finds you blessed and highly favored and walking in the fullness of all that God has for you, but if you are not feeling good or not feeling like you are experiencing God’s

You don’t have to wear a Mask this Halloween to hide your pain!

In every part of the world, almost everyone is experiencing different weather conditions, different economic trends and different available opportunities, but we’ve noticed that one thing is constant no matter where in the world you may be located and that

“Say to Yourself,”The LORD is my portion;therefore I will wait for Him”.-Lamentations 3:24

Dear  child of God,no matter what it is that you are going through right now,no problem is bigger than your God.God will see you through it all.God will walk with you through your heartache,through your pain,through your grief,through your disappointments,through
