Tag Archives: jesus

God is “calling You” to rise up and walk!

One day, when Peter and John were going to the temple to pray, a man who was lame from birth asked the two disciples for money. Day after day, the lame man was carried to the temple gate called Beautiful,

God may be Answering you but it may be manifesting in a Different Form!

There may be times in your walk of faith when you find yourself on your knees, fervently praying, seeking answers to the deep desires of your heart. You present your petitions to God with unwavering hope, believing His answer will

God has waited For You,Can’t You Wait For Him?

Wait for it … wait for it. This catchphrase is used frequently in movies and on television. Overused might be a better description. I was thinking the other day about how impatient we all can be at times when we

Trust God! He knows the way and is guiding YOU!

I want my life to make sense and be ordered and arranged, with my day running according to my own plans. If there is to be a twist, hurdle, or anything unforeseen, I would like to see it coming a

God wants You to trust Him with your problems!

Have you ever been so consumed with your problems and personal concerns that it seemed there was no immediate relief in sight? Have you ever got just so tired of going through the same old thing over and over again

Give it to God! Stop worrying!

Let's start in Matthew 6, Jesus is speaking, Jesus said, I tell you do not worry about your life what you'll eat or drink or about your body what you'll wear Who of you by worrying can add a

God Sees YOU, God Knows YOU and God Cares for YOU!

Trying to control your own life is exhausting. Ask me how I know. With my mouth, I say I trust God, but in reality, I get overwhelmed by trying to fix and control things myself. “I trust God” becomes nothing

God Knows Where YOU Are!

Job struggles, finally admitting his frustration: he cannot find God. Ever been there? Of course. All of us have! There are days we search in vain for some visible evidence of the living God. I'm thinking, Wouldn't it be great

Trust God for replenishment when life depletes you!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader,  in the midst of life's chaos and challenges, it's crucial to allow God to replenish your weary soul.  When exhaustion sets in, and you feel drained from the weight of the world on your

When life depletes you, lean in to God more, and allow God to replenish you!

In life, you may find yourself enveloped in a storm of difficult circumstances. Perhaps you’re experiencing job-related stress, navigating family conflicts, or dealing with personal health challenges. Whatever the case, the weight of these situations can feel incredibly heavy. You might

Tired? God wants to refresh you!

One of the pitfalls of living in our troublesome world is that you can become problem-centered rather than God-centered. When this happens oftentimes you will lose the proper perspective. Gradually,all your problems begin to look huge and the strength of

Wait On The Lord and Be of Good Courage, He’ll Help YOU!

Waiting isn’t a strong suit for any of us. We want instant answers, instant payments, instant remedies, instant everything. Few of us have patience in traffic, even fewer are patient in line. We are most often in a hurry, being

Keep trying, even if you want to quit!

Do you feel you keep trying and trying, yet never see the results you are hoping for? I’m in a season where someone dear to me is walking a path of destruction. This person has walked completely away from the

When what YOU had wanted fails, God is still faithful!

When people have let us down with failed promises, and when everything we’ve placed our trust, security, and integrity in is lost, we come to understand that God is the only One who continues to be trustworthy. His faithfulness is always toward us.
