Tag Archives: jesus

“You’ll experience peace if you relax and trust God’s way for you”!

Life is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. We've all had moments where our hearts ached for something we desperately wanted but never received. These missed opportunities can lead to feelings of regret, depression, and a deep sense

A better year is possible! 5 Steps for Discovering God’s Will for Your Life!

Through our lives, we are given the option and choice of paths to follow. Many of these paths are ones that we take the pen and orchestrate, craft, or push to attempt to make what we would like to occur,

Expect God to Turn it Around for Your Good in 2025!

As you step into 2025, you may feel battle-weary, worn down by life's challenges. You might be experiencing: Financial struggles: Bills piling up with no end in sight. Health issues: Chronic pain or new diagnoses that feel overwhelming. Relationship strife: Conflicts that seem impossible to resolve, leaving

When life is “a little crazy”, trust God!

Blessed is the man who trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. (Jeremiah 17:7) God is a person: Our lives are not in the hands of some invisible “force” or blind “fate;” they are in the hands of

Tired? God can “Quench” your thirst and refresh you!

I enjoy long distance running. There is something exhilarating about the sound of my feet hitting the pavement whether it is the hottest day of summer, the coldest chill in the winter, or the most comfortable temperatures of spring or

As The New Year Begins, Take Time to REST!

The venerable preacher, Vance Havner, used to look over the top of his glasses and say to his congregation, "If you don't come apart, you will come apart." While not all stress is bad for us, too much of it

Great News! God is Ready to Give You A New Year!

I recently read a story about a prison inmate, whom we’ll call Dan. Dan and his cellmate had some volatile exchanges in the past, and then Dan’s cellmate wanted Dan’s boots. Dan refused to give up his boots to this

Get ready for YOUR new year!

Time never stops, at least for now. Time never stops but then neither does God! God is always working! Yet, while we are here on this Earth, the Sun will continue to rise and set, and the seasons will continue

Evening prayer!

Did you have a good day today? Would you like to thank God for today and enter into a sense of peace, and experience God's guidance, and direction?  If you would like that, We  invite you to pray with us! Are you

The Long, Hard Chill of Winter Seasons!

Are you ready for the long hard chill of winter? Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So

If you’ve had it with the holidays, Get a fresh start! Let God change your life’s season!

Have you been stuck in the same frustrating cycle for what feels like forever? No matter how hard you try, the situation you're facing just doesn't seem to improve. The health issue lingers, the financial troubles persist, the relational conflicts

The barren Christmas tree!

We would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and an even happier New Year. The day that we have all been waiting for is here, Christmas, the celebration of God’s one and only son Jesus Christ’s

Do you have gifts for God this Christmas?

It has been amazing to watch God at work in and through the lives of many around the world and in and through the lives of those we reach and touch for God. It is incredibly fascinating to see God

Are You Unhappy this Christmas?

The Christmas season is supposed to be the happiest time of year – at least according to popular culture. Carols like “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year” proclaim Christmas cheer, while advertisements show happy people enjoying seemingly perfect holidays.
