Tag Archives: king

When God Steps In!

Have you ever considered that some of the drama in your life could actually be God saving you from a more dangerous situation somewhere down the road? It occurred to me recently that since God knows the entire script of

Sometimes YOU get to choose the outcome!

Have you ever wanted the Lord to punish someone because they mistreated you? Or perhaps experienced road rage? Maybe you argued with the other driver like they could hear you from the confines of your car? Or perhaps you “retaliated”

The Waiting Game!

When was the last time you found yourself caught in the tangled web of anticipation, eagerly waiting for a prayer to be answered, a dream to unfold, or a seemingly impossible miracle to manifest? If you're like most people, waiting

Your circumstances might just need this!

Have you ever prayed and prayed only to feel like you were not getting anywhere?  Are you still in need of something but no matter what you do, what you try or how you look you still haven't been able

When you don’t see nothing, God is doing something while you’re Navigating the silence of God!

Have you ever found yourself crying out to God, only to be met with a silence so profound it echoes through your soul? It’s a disheartening, sometimes terrifying place to be—especially when the stillness from Heaven persists as horrible circumstances

Does it seem like you have no way out? Have faith in God! Trust God for a plan!

Whatever unfortunate situations you find yourself in right now, God is able and willing to turn it around for your good and for His glory.You don't have to remain in circumstances that are less than God's highest and best for

God Is Near..Troubled?Confused?Need Help? Talk To God!

Spending quality time alone with God is a good thing and necessary for spiritual growth. But does our alone time with God always have to be quiet? David Powlison, a faculty member at the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation and

Don’t give up! Trust God for a plan for your problems!

Do you ever feel like the trials in your life are testing your faith? I can relate. Sometimes our trials include our marriage, friendships, relatives, jobs, finances, children, or our health. Although having trials in our lives is unavoidable, there

Prayers for YOUR Pain!

No one likes pain. And for some, it feels unending. Pain can be physical, and it can be emotional. And yet, all pain hurts. And it leaves us asking questions; wondering why God allows our pain. Why Am I in

If You Feed Your Faith in God,your Doubts will starve!

Have you ever felt your relationship with God growing more distant and unfamiliar with the passing of time? Do you doubt God and how He is currently working in your life? Do you want to have more faith in God,

It’s going to get better!

Dear Reader, You may be feeling burdened, tired, fed up, sick or —drained by the struggles that life has thrown your way. It's easy to become weary as you strive to do good, only to find that help seems distant, and

When It Seems Like You’re Stuck in a Rut, Let God’s Rhythm Lead You to His Rewards!

Does it seem that you could be stuck in a rut?  Are the problems you are facing still the same, with little to no improvement? Have you tried almost everything you know to do and what you are going through

God will change what you’re struggling with eventually!

It can be hard to keep trusting in the Lord and expecting His goodness in your life when your circumstances appear to be stagnant. No 1 likes stagnation including God but Remember your circumstances did not happen overnight, so in

“Be exceedingly glad”, YOUR adversity is preparing YOU for “something greater”!

Each year, I look forward to watching the World Series. In my opinion, playoff baseball makes for some of the most exciting sporting competition of the year. I sometimes feel stressed out just watching the games, so I can’t imagine
