Tag Archives: Ruth

Don’t let the devil steal your God-sized dreams!

Life can oftentimes be very overwhelming,very draining and it can wear you out. Jesus wants to help you win the battles that you currently face in life if you will invite Him into your circumstances. Jesus wants to help protect

Don’t Worry, The Lord is Near!

Your hand trembles as you open the pathology report that has just come in the mail. Your voice breaks as you let your spouse know that you have lost your job. You don't know how much your friends notice your

If You’re tired, Here’s -A Prayer of Supplication+Declaration For You!

Father God, I know I have often judged my own heart incorrectly. Forgive me for not extending the same grace to myself that You give me. Teach me to forgive and see myself and my heart the way you do...to

God has given you a coach-The Holy Spirit!

Often times when you are going through difficult times, it can seem like you are all alone with no one to help you and no one to guide you. But things are not always what they seem. Even when there

God is always Making You Smile, Wanna See God Smile?

“Let your face smile on us, Lord.” Psalm 4:6b “Let your face smile on us, Lord.” Psalm 4:6b “May his face smile with favor on us.” Psalm 67:1 “May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.” Number

Will The Real Enemy Please Stand Up?…

As we walk through the carnage of a week of bloodshed and violence, many of us are simply stunned. Many of us are looking for someone to blame, looking for an answer, looking for a solution. In the coming days

A Unique Spokesperson

God's methods are often surprising. God did not raise up an army to destroy Ahab and Jezebel. Neither did He send some scintillating prince to argue His case or try to impress their royal majesties. Instead, God did the unimaginable—He

Your turnaround is coming!A Message For You!

Life can oftentimes be very overwhelming,very draining and it can wear you out.Jesus wants to help you win the battles that you currently face in life if you will invite Him into your circumstances.Up until now you may not have

Wait On God, He’s Working, A message For You!

If you've grown very tired of waiting on God's promises to come true, reflect on and remember the story we told you a few weeks of what happened when Evangelist Wendy Evans was waiting on the promises of God to

4 things YOU can learn from toddlers about Your relationship with God!

When we think about the children in our lives, our minds often turn to how much we can teach them. From the pragmatic skills of reading and tying their laces to the more conceptual lessons on sharing and being honest,

Let God move the stones in Your life-A message for You!

Life's problems and troubles can drain you out and almost make you feel like you are having the life choked out of you! It doesn't have to be that way! You don't have to suffer and walk the lonesome road

Did You Know God Picks who goes with You?

When we hear the Holy Father speak to us about the Christian life being a pilgrimage, he is telling us that life is not only about getting someplace quickly, rather it is about who is with you on the road,

God cares for you, Let’s examine Psalm 23!

Sometimes we need a reminder, that God's goodness is real. In a world of dark, He gets blamed for a lot of stuff that swirls around us, "Why would God let that happen? Why did God cause that to happen?
