Tag Archives: son

Ever wonder why God allows the devil to ruin things?

These words from Jesus may be very familiar to you. After all, we have an adversary—Satan. Have you ever stopped to ask why does God allow Satan to do this? Hidden within a question like this is another question that

Need To Be Reminded of God’s Goodness? Time to write a Done-It List!

When was the last time you felt truly thankful? Maybe you're American, and the idea is at least built into your annual calendar. Or perhaps like me, you occasionally stop for long enough to look at the life you've been

Circumstances still not improving?

Do you ever feel like your prayers are not being answered? Have you ever prayed and asked God for something and it didn't happen? You are not alone. Every Christian has been through this same struggle. This is why we

Does it seem like you’re in a dark tunnel?

Recently, our family headed to the fabulous vista, Glacier Point, to view Half-Dome and the Yosemite Valley. On the way, we encountered a tunnel I didn’t recall from the past. Funneling through the dark cave and seated in the passenger

Ever Wonder If God can bring Breakthrough anytime, why does He make YOU Wait?

Bringing breakthrough into our lives is no difficult feat for God, so why doesn't God just deliver it to us right away? Breakthrough can sometimes be the only thing that stands in the way of us and the true prize

When God is in it, “Failure ain’t Final”!

If you are tired of going through it, and need  a boost to get going or a boost to keep your good hope in what God is gonna do stirred, we encourage you to keep turning to and trusting in

Are you in God’s Waiting Rooms?

Do you like having to wait? If you do, you are a rare individual. Most of us find waiting a great source of annoyance, frustration, even fear. We do not like waiting for a traffic light to change or finding

Are YOU tired of the pandemic? 3 Steps to Heal Your Pandemic-Fatigue Grief!

Recently a dear friend and I caught up with each other by phone. We found ourselves lamenting and processing throug h the ongoing pressure that we were feeling as women and moms. We were vacillating between bravery and crippling fear,

Trust God To Help YOU Manage YOUR New Year!

There are a number of different reasons why some people are afraid to trust God for His help. But it seems that in the troubling days we are living in, a few more people each day are at least considering

Be Like Evangelist Wendy Evans, Pray Early! Here are 10 Prayers To Get YOU Started!

A morning prayer is a wonderful way to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for the day ahead. Whether you need encouragement, peace, strength, or rest, God can meet you in a very real and present way

Ever Wonder If God is to Blame For Stuff? Come Closer!

What’s God like? What’s your idea of Him? Angry? Preferring judgment and revenge over mercy? Taking what we love away from us to teach us lessons? An angry, one-eyed schoolmaster with the rod in one hand and a spoonful of

God wants to invite you to work with Him to get to your promised land!

You may have already discovered that one of the paradoxes of your walk with God’s gifts is that often they require huge amounts of work on your part. After God delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians, the Lord led them

His Peace!

There have been many times in my life that I believed I would only find peace when...I had all the things I thought I needed. All the conflicts between nations ceased. Churches I served actually practice the teachings they say

Is God leading You To Change As He Transforms You?

For many professionals and adults, the challenge to keep schedules and effectively manage time is a real one. Beyond that, it's a really big one, and it can be overwhelming and sometimes even frustrating to have to face the challenge
