Category Archives: Christian encouragement

Are you really tired all the time?

Having energy in life is about balance. It is about being clear and not being weighed down by thoughts, emotions. It is to let go of struggle and to remain present. Energy in life comes from connecting, from being present,

Confused?Let God help You Choose!

When I was young, my favorite NASCAR driver was Mario Andretti.Several of my friends had go-carts, and I would jump in and race them as "Jim Graffiti." One time, I was spending the night at a friend's house

Has God allowed a thorn in the flesh in your life?

Is there something or someone in your life that almost drives you to the brink of insanity? Have you prayed and prayed to God for Him to fix it and it remains unfixed? Have you tried everything and nothing seems

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JOHN WALLACE: Robin Williams a prince of comedy Or, as he would say, he was comfortable. He once said cocaine was God’s way of telling you, you had too much money. He and Robert DeNiro were in the room …

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Making changes can help you seek God’s will It’s hard to shake free from the familiar, even when the familiar isn’t God’s best for us. We can see that evidenced in an extreme way in the lives of those plagued

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Many Do Not Seek God or Hear His Voice; Here’s Why You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. — Jeremiah 29:13. I would like to buy three dollars’ worth of God, please.

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Faith — Life’s unlimited treasure Satan is limited and has been defeated. Faith in the Word of God is unlimited. Matthew 12:34 says: “For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth will speaketh (the Word of God and

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Bringing vanished faith back to life Russian-born rabbi and scientist Moshe Finkleman had to fight for his faith while growing up in Soviet Russia. Now, with his new book God is not Dead: Man’s Pursuit of Faith in Judaism, inspired

If ever You Feel Unworthy…Consider This..

Image by God Creates ~ Away for a few days He Chose the Cross. “Do you think I cannot call on my Father and he will at once put at my disposal more than 12 legions of angels? But how

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Billy Graham: God calls us to a higher standard But we sometimes forget that our language is a reflection of our inner thoughts, and when we use God’s name (for example) without even thinking about it, it indicates that he

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Abducting Girls in the Name of God We should also pray for the capture and bringing to justice of the barbaric criminals who have abducted these girls and violated their human dignity. And we should pray for God’s judgment upon

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God knows what is best for us, even if it seems painful DEAR DR. GRAHAM: I prayed and prayed that God would heal my grandmother, but He didn’t. I know she was old and in poor health, but she raised

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‘You have no faith in God. I’m going to kill you’ – Muslim dad attacks … During an angry confrontation, the father told her: ‘You have no faith in God. I’m going to kill you before the community find out.’
