Faced with “stubborn problems”? God’s got remedies for that!

We all face stubborn problems. You know, those issues that gnaw at your soul, stubbornly resistant to all your efforts to fix, change, or improve them. Whether it’s a chronic health issue, unrelenting financial struggles, or emotional scars that refuse to heal, the weight can be unbearable. But what if I told you there’s hope? Not just a glimmer, but a fully shining beacon lighting the path out of your despair. That’s right! We’re going to dive into five effective, biblically based prayers that target these steadfast obstacles in your life. By the end of this article, you’ll have practical, powerful prayers, grounded in scripture, ready to lift you from your tired, discouraged, and fed-up state to a place of divine transformation.


Understanding Stubborn Problems

Before we dive in, let’s grasp the anatomy of stubborn problems. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill glitches; they’re the ones that snicker at your efforts, the bullies of the problem world. Imagine you’re a gardener, tirelessly tending your garden. Regular weeds are annoying, sure, but stubborn problems are like those tenacious deep-rooted dandelions. No matter how frequently you pluck them out, they come back.

They bring a barrage of emotions: you’re tired, discouraged, fed up, and sometimes you sincerely wonder if there’s any way out. When all practical solutions fail, the spiritual realm offers a profound recourse. Targeted prayers in tune with biblical teachings don’t merely scratch the surface but tackle the unseen roots of these stubborn problems.

When you are tired and fed up with stubborn problems, Use targeted Prayers Against Stubborn Problems!

Why exactly do prayers work where so many other efforts fail? It’s not magic, but divine intervention. Think of prayer as the ultimate life hack. A heartfelt communication that transcends human limitations, connecting us with a power far greater. When you pray, you’re not spinning words into the void; you’re initiating a dialogue with the God, who wants to help but He’s just waiting for you to pray again and ask for more help!

In the human experience, when we’re left dry of solutions, it’s often our spiritual reservoir that provides the elixir we need. Prayer realigns our focus, helping us shift from worldly perspectives to divine ones. It elevates our problem-solving prowess because we are no longer tackling the issues alone. Moreover, each prayer infused with biblical principles—like the ones we’ll discuss—hold promises that have stood firm through centuries. The power behind these prayers isn’t just in the words but in the faith and surrender that they encapsulate.


When it just “ain’t working”, Draw Strength from Psalm 35!

If stubborn problems are the villain in our narrative, Psalm 35 is a powerful hero. This Psalm is a battle-cry, a spiritual combat strategy, particularly against foes that seem insurmountable. When King David wrote Psalm 35, he was in dire straits, surrounded by enemies visible and invisible.

David’s approach starts with a plea for divine intervention: “Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me.” His prayer is a clear admission of his own limitations and deep dependence on God’s power. When you feel like you’re up against immovable obstacles, start by reading this Psalm aloud. Feel the words resonate through your being. You’re inviting the ultimate warrior into your battle. Isn’t that exhilarating to consider? You’re no longer a lone fighter but part of a celestial team.

Next, let the battles depicted in Psalm 35 mirror your struggles. The enemies may not be literal people; they could be diseases, financial hardships, or emotional barriers. Personalize each line to fit your circumstances. Let Psalm 35 be your spiritual sword, slicing through discouragement and fear. As you repeatedly immerse yourself in these verses, you’ll find your mindset shifting from despair to a budding confidence in the inevitable victory promised by God. Using God’s word repeatedly will help you build confidence and draw strength from God’s power to help you demolish your stubborn problems!


Real Faith is essential in Targeted Prayers

Faith is the core ingredient that empowers targeted prayers. Imagine faith as a spiritual Wi-Fi connection. Without it, our prayers are like devices left in airplane mode—unable to connect to the source. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” It’s believing in the unseen realm of divine solutions even when the physical realm screams otherwise.

When you engage in targeted prayers, your faith activates the divine promises embedded within scriptures. Faith is what kept Abraham hopeful when he had no heir, Moses resilient when leading a rebellious people, and Job steadfast amidst relentless suffering. Without faith, prayers can feel like empty words. With faith, each prayer becomes a bridge from earthly struggles to heavenly solutions.

Building faith isn’t an instant coffee deal. It’s a relentless pursuit. Start small. Maybe a faith journal documenting moments when God answered your prayers. Surround yourself with faith-builders—biblical stories, uplifting worship music, testimonies from others. Each small step nurtures your faith, making your targeted prayers all the more potent.

Use Psalm 107:28-30 

Psalm 107:28-30 (NIV) is another powerful prayer guide. “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven.” Sounds like a balm for the soul, doesn’t it? When you’re ensnared by life’s relentless storms, this Psalm provides a spiritual life raft.

Start by crying out to the Lord just as the verses suggest. Lament isn’t a lack of faith; it’s an act of honesty. When you lay your troubles bare before God, you’re inviting Him into the storm. Notice how the Psalm promises that God doesn’t merely observe our distress but actively brings us out of it. He stills the storm. It signifies that God’s intervention not only subdues chaos but replaces it with divine peace.

Meditate on this Psalm regularly. Visualize your storms being calmed and your ship safely reaching the desired haven. These aren’t just poetic words but promises to be claimed. The more you do this, the more you align your soul with God’s ability to bring about profound transformation even when circumstances seem dire.



Long term stubborn problems make you tired and discouraged

Anyone who battles stubborn problems eventually hits a fatigue wall. You’re bone tired, physically and emotionally drained. The needle hasn’t moved on your issue despite relentless efforts, and frankly, you’re discouraged. But discouraged hearts are fertile grounds for divine miracles. Take these moments of fatigue as sacred pauses. They’re God’s school of patience and reliance.

Reach for scriptures that uplift. Isaiah 40:29-31 says, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.” You’re not alone in your weariness; it’s a shared human experience. However, you possess an extraordinary resource in the Lord to renew your strength.

Use your prayers as a vent for your frustrations. Tell God exactly how you feel. David did it, Jeremiah did it, so can you. In these honest exchanges, there’s an infusion of divine strength. You’re not merely releasing your burdens but exchanging them for God’s peace and empowerment.

Pray for Guidance When You’re Not Sure What to Do

Uncertainty can be debilitating. You’re not sure what steps to take, and it feels like you’re walking in a fog. That’s where Proverbs 3:5-6 comes in: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” This isn’t just a proverb; it’s a divine strategy.

Start by affirming your trust in God’s wisdom over your limited understanding. Submit your plans, your desires, your every step to Him. Create a quiet space where you can listen to His guidance. Maybe it’s early in the morning before the rush or late at night when the world is silent. Whatever works, make it consistent.

Don’t expect thunderous revelations; sometimes God’s guidance is a gentle whisper or a subtle nudge. It could come through a bible verse, a sermon, or a word from a friend. The key is to stay alert and be receptive. The more you align your decisions with divine guidance, the clearer your path becomes.



You will have to keep trying,

Keep praying,

Keep doing,

Keep giving,

and keep waiting even when you don’t see any results of your prayers, your efforts, your giving, or your good works!

Consistency is the oil that keeps the engine of prayer running smoothly. A one-time prayer may help, but persistent prayer is transformative and oftentimes take a very long time to work. Think of the persistent widow in Luke 18 who kept coming to the unjust judge. Her perseverance paid off. Jesus used this parable to illustrate the power of persistent prayer.

Set a prayer routine, a dedicated time daily when you tap into divine wisdom through targeted, biblically based prayers. It’s not about quantity but quality. Keep a prayer journal to track your petitions and the answers. Watching how God moves in your life over time strengthens your faith and fuels your perseverance.

Consistency builds a relationship. With every prayer, you’re not only seeking solutions but also deepening your communion with God. It’s in this relationship that real transformation occurs. You’re not just changing your circumstances but you are also changing yourself and you are also evolving spiritually.


When it still doesn’t work after a long time, seek Divine Intervention When You’re Fed Up

Reaching the end of your rope can feel like a breaking point, but it’s often the turning point. When nothing humanly conceivable works, you’re primed for divine intervention. James 1:2-4 reminds us, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

When you’re utterly fed up, use it as a pivot. Pour your frustrations into fervent prayer, seeking divine intervention. Remember, God isn’t surprised by your struggles. He’s been waiting for you to acknowledge that you cannot do it alone. Invite Him earnestly into your battles.

Use scriptural affirmations to empower your prayers. Scriptures promise that God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. Lean into that promise. Acknowledge your limitations, and surrender the situation wholly to God. Prayer isn’t about changing God’s mind but aligning yourself with His divine will. When that’s in focus, breakthroughs become not just possible but inevitable.

Trust the Process: Wait for God’s Timing

Patience is more than a virtue; it’s a spiritual discipline. Waiting on God’s timing can be as challenging as the problem itself. It’s easy to get disheartened, thinking your prayers are hitting a divine dead-end. But remember, a delay is not a denial; it’s a preparatory period.

Isaiah 30:18 states, “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” Waiting allows God to perfect the solution, align circumstances, and prepare you to receive the blessing fully.

While you wait, focus on gratitude. Thank God for the anticipated breakthrough. Engage in community with fellow believers who can support you in prayer. Immerse yourself in activities that build your faith. Reading encouraging testimonies, participating in worship, and serving others can shift your focus from impatience to anticipation.


Stubborn problems are part of the human condition, but they aren’t the end. Equipped with these targeted, biblically based prayers, you’re not merely at the mercy of your circumstances. You’re an active participant in the divine plan for your life.

Remember, Psalm 35 combats your spiritual battles,

Psalm 107:28-30 invites divine calm into your storms,

and Proverbs 3:5-6 offers guidance when you’re lost.

When faith, consistency, and an attitude of surrender to God’s will unite in your prayers, those stubborn problems will start showing signs of transformation.

It’s this dynamic blend of faith, earnestness, and scriptural alignment that ushers in divine breakthroughs. So, the next time you feel tired, discouraged, or just fed up, remember you have a spiritual arsenal ready to engage in the battle. And your victory isn’t just hoped for; it’s promised.

Keep praying, keep believing, and watch how God orchestrates the changes you’ve been yearning for. Here’s to a life of breakthroughs and divine interventions! Still need more help with your “stubborn problems”? Join us today on twitter.com/godsbailout for today’s topic, “When stubborn problems don’t change, God can help”! BE there or be square, you get to choose, if you want to stay in stubborn problems or not! If you don’t, join us on twitter today @ twitter.com/godsbailout, and let’s petition God to “show up, so all of our stubborn problems can be escorted out”!
