Tag Archives: Attention

10 Reasons To Be Thankful ~This Thanksgiving!

The holiday season is the perfect time to consider what you are thankful for and why. But Thanksgiving and Christmas aren’t the only times of the year to count your blessings. Finding gratitude and appreciating the small stuff in life

Can You Give This 1 Day To God?

After our sabbath services last Friday, a member of my congregation approached me at the social reception where we visit with each other and enjoy sumptuous desserts. She proudly said she was observing National Unplugged Sabbath, a project designed to

Be Like Evangelist Wendy Evans, Pray Early! Here are 10 Prayers To Get YOU Started!

A morning prayer is a wonderful way to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for the day ahead. Whether you need encouragement, peace, strength, or rest, God can meet you in a very real and present way

Want to Improve Your Spiritual Fitness? Here’s Five simple ways!

If this year's London Marathon got you thinking about how to stay in shape, why not take it a step further and consider what you can do to improve your spiritual fitness. Sometimes we can become so concerned with our

This Father’s Day,Give God Your Problems,Seek Him For His Promises!

Have you ever had an "Aha!" moment? I've had several in my lifetime, but one that sticks out as one of the best, happened one day in my Sunday school class. Our time was coming to a close and I

God Knows What He is doing! Wait On Him! 8 Ways the devil is working to Keep You from God!

Satan wants to keep you from worshiping the One he hates, God. He wants to keep you from doing the right thing, whether that is spending time alone with the Lord in Scripture and prayer, attending and participating in public

Don’t give up—God hears you when you pray!

God is certainly not an unjust judge who must be harassed before He responds to us. He is our loving Father who cares about us and hears us when we cry to Him. “The squeaky wheel gets the oil” is

Don’t Worry, God Has A Plan!

Sorrows and trials don’t discriminate. They come to all of us at all times and seasons – even Christmas. Perhaps the gifts you’ve purchased for loved ones aren’t the only burdens you had to carry on Christmas Day. What

Inauguration Day: A Prayer for Our New President!

On January 20, 2017, President-elect Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, and Mike Pence as the 48th Vice President. For many in our nation, this season of change brings much hope. For

Be Still Before God! Get Ready For 2017!

Life is hard and difficult. Many times life leaves us feeling tired, worn out and broken-we believe that we are done-that we cannot take one more step. Life sometimes sees us moving from crisis to crisis. Sometimes difficulties in life

“Are You Praying In Your Closet”?

One of the most difficult, but most important, things to learn to do is to “pray in your closet.” By that I mean to do good deeds, accomplish things, and serve others without having to draw a big crowd. When

Are Your Troubles Because of Your High Calling?

Many professions draw public attention like warm watermelon draws flies. Those who practice them are constantly in the news. If it isn't the money they make, it's the company they keep or the trends they set or the controversy they

Ever wonder What Jeremiah 29:11 means? Come Closer!

My Old Testament professor had this to say about the ever-popular Jeremiah 29:11: “I am going to destroy what this verse means to you, but then I’m going to re frame it so you understand it better within it’s original
