Tag Archives: church

Trust God to help you discover “Joy” in the midst of unchanging struggles!

Life can feel incredibly overwhelming when you're stuck in the middle of hard times. It seems like no matter how much you pray, no matter how much you long for a change, things just don't seem to get better. You

Allow God to change your disappointments to victory!

Life has a funny way of taking you down some long and winding roads that can really perplex you and make you wonder just what is going on. What you thought was going to happen sometimes doesn't and what you

Seeking right pathways? Listen for God’s Guidance!

In our fast-paced and noisy world, finding moments of peace and clarity can be a challenge. However, setting aside daily quiet time to pray and listen for God’s voice can bring about profound transformation. If you are tired of what

With God’s help You can survive “Unwanted suffering”!

Are you the victim of Unwanted suffering? If you are, be informed that in life, you will inevitably face suffering that seems both unexpected and unwarranted. It might leave you questioning everything—your faith, your purpose, and even God’s

God wants You to trust Him with your problems!

Have you ever been so consumed with your problems and personal concerns that it seemed there was no immediate relief in sight? Have you ever got just so tired of going through the same old thing over and over again

Trust God for replenishment when life depletes you!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader,  in the midst of life's chaos and challenges, it's crucial to allow God to replenish your weary soul.  When exhaustion sets in, and you feel drained from the weight of the world on your

Tired? God wants to refresh you!

One of the pitfalls of living in our troublesome world is that you can become problem-centered rather than God-centered. When this happens oftentimes you will lose the proper perspective. Gradually,all your problems begin to look huge and the strength of

When You’re Tired of being tired! Better is coming!

The problems you been going through in life have been relentless, haven't they? It might feels like no matter how hard you try to stay afloat, you keep getting battered by the waves of going through the drama of problem

Miracles are still possible if God shows up!

Life has this uncanny ability to throw curveballs at us when we least expect it. The twists and turns often lead us into dark and seemingly endless tunnels of despair. It's in these moments that the concept of waiting takes

Tired of Trying? Let God Help You Improve!

Recently, I walked through our church building trying to look at each room with fresh eyes. I had been reminded of how accustomed we get to those settings we view on a regular basis. It’s easy for us to overlook

When you don’t see nothing, God is doing something while you’re Navigating the silence of God!

Have you ever found yourself crying out to God, only to be met with a silence so profound it echoes through your soul? It’s a disheartening, sometimes terrifying place to be—especially when the stillness from Heaven persists as horrible circumstances

It’s going to get better!

Dear Reader, You may be feeling burdened, tired, fed up, sick or —drained by the struggles that life has thrown your way. It's easy to become weary as you strive to do good, only to find that help seems distant, and

When It Seems Like You’re Stuck in a Rut, Let God’s Rhythm Lead You to His Rewards!

Does it seem that you could be stuck in a rut?  Are the problems you are facing still the same, with little to no improvement? Have you tried almost everything you know to do and what you are going through

Keep asking even if it “still” looks hopeless!

There is something about being a child that intrigues me: the simplicity of childlike faith that doesn’t take time to reason or to filter what is said—and has the confidence to ask and the simplicity to believe that they will
