Tag Archives: Fact

God wants to heal your broken pieces!

Have you ever felt as though your problems, circumstances or personal pain, although a big deal to you, seemed too small for God to be concerned about? Quite the contrary is true. God is not only your Creator and Father,

Trusting God in times of uncertainty!

Dear child of God, are you tired of the struggles of life? Has this year been really rough and tough for you? Do you find yourself going through one thing after another with no apparent let up and most of

You don’t have to wear a Mask this Halloween to hide your pain!

In every part of the world, almost everyone is experiencing different weather conditions, different economic trends and different available opportunities, but we’ve noticed that one thing is constant no matter where in the world you may be located and that

Let God hold your hand!

  One of the joys of being with kids is holding their hands. We do it to keep them safe while crossing the street, or to keep them from getting lost in a crowd. And whenever they stumble and lose

Does your life seem like the Government has shut it down?

  Do you feel stuck in life? Does it seem like one door after another has been slammed shut in your face while you watch others sail through life with seemingly not a care or a problem in the world?

Are you seeking God for a breakthrough?

Dear child of God, no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in right now, God wants you to prosper. Your circumstances may  seem like God neither cares for you or wants you to prosper, but be informed that your

Dear one,don’t worry be happy!

For each day that God gives you,choose to celebrate the fact that you are alive and you have a bright new future ahead of you!Purposely choose to revel in how good God is and how God takes care of you

ASAPH – From Despair to Delight Part 1 Christian Depression Help

www.MikeRaphael.MyVi.net Mike Raphael, a Baptist pastor from Virginia shares Christian Words of Encouragement in the fact that we do not know what this new year will bring. It may bring joy or it may bring times of difficulties, Christian emotions
