Tag Archives: High

Are you facing impossible situations?

If you’ve been walking with God any length of time then we’re sure that you have quickly found out that the road that you have to travel as you follow God is often rough, tough and downright terrible some times.

No matter what…Keep Praying!

In case you haven’t noticed as you get older, life gets rougher and tougher. Problems tend to crop up from out of no where and they often become way too much too fast. The devil seems to get smarter with

Want the Extraordinary?Seek God!

Has everyday living become boring to you? Is the thrill of living and the excitement of following God left you? Are you having more downs in life than up? Are you having more pain in life than pleasure? Has the

God is shaping You to reflect His Glory!

We are a mirror-like reflection of God’s glory. He chooses to use us to reflect His glory and character. What is God like? Look at a committed follower of Jesus and you will get a glimpse of the nature of

God has reasons adversity is in your life!

Are you having a lot of problems in life? If you are, then undoubtedly, adversity has reared it's ugly head in your life. Did you also know that adversity is a sign that God trusts you with trouble? When God

God is our Refuge and our Strength!

Have you ever needed a refuge, a place to hide from the storm? Our little boat was heading straight into a 50 MPH wind. My friend and me were out fishing on a small lake in the Midwest. We didn't

Is what you have not enough?Can God use what you have?

Do you have a tendency to despair over lost opportunities that have passed you by, or do you worry about the future and just how things might work out for you? Does doubt and unbelief linger in your mind as

You’ve come to far to give up and quit now!

Dear child of God, this is not the time to give up. This is not the time to quit. You cannot afford to quit. If you will not give up, nor cave in, nor cast away your confidence in God,

Walk by Faith-Leave Results to God!

Walking by faith is easy when we get the results we are looking for, isn't it? When our prayers are answered the way we want them to be and everything happens the way we want, it's easy to have faith.

Next Time Someone or Something is Stressing You out – Pray!

You may have first learned to pray at your mothers knee. You decided that, in times of trouble, prayer could open up a pathway to enlightenment and peace. You might have said a prayer before a big test, before showing

Do You think God Works All Things For Good?

That’s what Paul says in Romans 8:28 – And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good. We might respond: Really, Paul? ALL things? Even things like unemployment or cancer? And Paul would say: Yes.

Struggles exist for a reason!

Recently we've gotten dozens of prayer requests from around the world from people seeking and needing God to heal them because of the amount of sickness, pain and disease that seems to be occurring around the world. We decided to

If ever You Feel Unworthy…Consider This..

Image by God Creates ~ Away for a few days He Chose the Cross. “Do you think I cannot call on my Father and he will at once put at my disposal more than 12 legions of angels? But how
