Tag Archives: such

Can You Give This 1 Day To God?

After our sabbath services last Friday, a member of my congregation approached me at the social reception where we visit with each other and enjoy sumptuous desserts. She proudly said she was observing National Unplugged Sabbath, a project designed to

Trust God To Help YOU Manage YOUR New Year!

There are a number of different reasons why some people are afraid to trust God for His help. But it seems that in the troubling days we are living in, a few more people each day are at least considering

Is God leading You To Change As He Transforms You?

For many professionals and adults, the challenge to keep schedules and effectively manage time is a real one. Beyond that, it's a really big one, and it can be overwhelming and sometimes even frustrating to have to face the challenge

It’s September And God Wants To Open New Doors For You As You Seek Him!

When you reach periods of doubt here's a thought for you..... stop and change the music and the path you are walking on. Talk to new people, read new and different books, open your mind to new thoughts that will

Are YOU Really Seeking God First?

The Christian culture is full of language that speaks our heart and call. Some have the power to alter your life for the better while some remain weird "Christianese" that really doesn't make much sense on an applicable level. One

Still Waiting on Your New? Super-Size Your Prayers!

How big is too big? How much is too much? Is there a limit to what I can ask of God? Evidently, not. It’s as if God dares me, “Go ahead, push my limits. There are none! Do you want

Are You Stressed At Work?4 Ways To Help You!

The working life today has risen several notches up the difficulty scale. Now, people work for longer hours for five days and sometimes, even for the entire week. There are many possible reasons for this change, like the economical pitfalls

You’ve Made Space For God, Now What Is HE calling YOU To Do?

I walked upstairs into what felt like a cold cafeteria. The floor was made of tile, the walls were painted white, and the room felt sanitized. Come to think of it, it kind of smelled sanitized. I guess they had

In Quietness And Trust, is Your Strength!

A farmer had been working all day in his barn pitching hay with a pitchfork. Feeling he had worked long enough, he reached into his pocket to pull out his pocket watch only to find it was missing. He knew he

Is Anything Sacred?

I played the position of catcher in Little League baseball. I played catcher in Pony League baseball. I was a catcher in high school baseball. In college, I played catcher on an intramural softball team. I spent a lot of

God is Gracious With His Love!

Life can be hard and challenging. Living can wear away our hope. Cynicism can settle into our hearts and find a home because of hurtful people, difficult circumstances, relational wounds, and unfortunate events. Religion can imprison us in a world

God Of Gracious Love!

Life can be hard and challenging. Living can wear away our hope. Cynicism can settle into our hearts and find a home because of hurtful people, difficult circumstances, relational wounds, and unfortunate events. Religion can imprison us in a world

Not Forgotten

God's presence is not as intriguing as His absence. His voice is not as eloquent as His silence. Who of us has not longed for a word from God, searched for a glimpse of His power, or yearned for the

Maybe This Holiday Season, God expects YOU to Press On!

Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark left Cyprus and sailed to the southern coast of Turkey—a land then known as Pamphylia, whose rugged coastline ascended sharply into the towering heights of a mountain range steeper and fiercer than the eastern Tauras
