Tag Archives: Turn

Are the Yabbotts Visiting YOU to “Try To Steal” YOUR Joy?

"I can't seem to find God at work anywhere in my life? Where is he? Has Jesus abandoned me? Look at all that is going wrong with me and with my life and with my church — how could God

A Labor Day Prayer for YOU!

Father, I come before you thankful that you have made work a part of life and given me the opportunity to glorify you in my work. Thank you that I can work hard and go to bed tired each day.

Is Life telling YOU, YOU need to Schedule Quiet Time?

Scheduling quiet time isn't easy for busy moms or busy people is it? I find that a lot of the time I don't even have the time to sit down and schedule my quiet time. Sound familiar? Finding a

He is not here,He is risen!

Dear God seeker, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Easter Sunday! We hope and pray that where ever this article finds you in your life you will choose to thank God for the celebration

Are You Praying Trying To Figure God out?

I'm sure you know what it's like to wait upon God for something and to wonder, at times, if he's even listening at all. I remember waiting upon God for a second child and wondering if he was even there

Maybe God Wants YOU To Find YOUR Story in His!

When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then,

Is Your Life Prodding You To Create A War Room?

Have you ever seen the movie, “War Room?” I have to start there, because if you don’t, then the title alone may throw you for a loop! Well, if you don’t know, your “War Room” is really your prayer closet.

Is complaining making you tired+stifling your breakthroughs?

Early Sunday morning as the sun was just coming up, I rushed downstairs to mix up some corn muffins for that day’s church luncheon. In my hurry, I accidentally spilled cornmeal onto the counter, then half asleep, I poured too

Can You Give This 1 Day To God?

After our sabbath services last Friday, a member of my congregation approached me at the social reception where we visit with each other and enjoy sumptuous desserts. She proudly said she was observing National Unplugged Sabbath, a project designed to

Ever Wonder If God is to Blame For Stuff? Come Closer!

What’s God like? What’s your idea of Him? Angry? Preferring judgment and revenge over mercy? Taking what we love away from us to teach us lessons? An angry, one-eyed schoolmaster with the rod in one hand and a spoonful of

Ever Wonder If God Is Really With YOU?

God promised to never leave us nor forsake us. In fact, He desires to live with us, and has made that possible through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of Christ, the Holy Spirit can now dwell

It’s September And God Wants To Open New Doors For You As You Seek Him!

When you reach periods of doubt here's a thought for you..... stop and change the music and the path you are walking on. Talk to new people, read new and different books, open your mind to new thoughts that will

Ever wonder if God is talking to you? 3 Ways to tell!

God's voice is clearly distinct from the many voices that we hear each day. There are some giveaways that we need to be on the lookout for to be able to distinguish His voice from others. God's voice is
