Tag Archives: Wake

God’s turnaround includes your health!

In addition to turning things around in your finances, God wants to turn things around in your health. Do you ever wake up tired, not feeling good, or with a headache? A backache, a stomach ache, or any other pain,

Random News Around The World!

God knows what is best for us, even if it seems painful DEAR DR. GRAHAM: I prayed and prayed that God would heal my grandmother, but He didn’t. I know she was old and in poor health, but she raised

Are you the victim of God’s Pruning Shears?

Recently when we had one of our round table discussions about God and what He is currently doing in the lives of the people around the world, we began to realize that not only is God at work in their

Don’t worry,God will lift you up!

“Dear child of God,no matter what is wrong in your life, you don’t have to worry and you don’t have to be afraid anymore for no matter what,God will Lift You Up”! There is no better word than God’s Word,

God wants to meet your needs!

God wants your life to be happy and fulfilled!He wants you to experience His highest and best blessings for your life!Each day can be incredible for you as you wake up and seek God for what He has in store
