Tag Archives: yo

Longing for success? It’s important you submit your talents to God first!

Success is something that everyone desires at some point and we know that to be successful, we need to maximise our gifts and talents. Many people think that self-effort in developing skills is all we need, but when we learn

Could God Be Trying to tell you to “Move On”?

The Israelites had just been delivered from slavery, they had received and agreed to the terms of God’s covenant, and it was time to move on towards the land of Canaan, the land of their promised blessing. Have you been

Is What You Do More Than Just a Job?

A young fella rushed into a service station and asked the manager if he had a pay phone. The manager nodded, "Sure, over there." The boy pushed in some change, dialed, and waited for an answer. Finally, someone came on

Your Pain Maybe because YOU’RE in God’s Dental Chair!

Some people have an aversion to going to the dentist. They wait until it’s absolutely necessary to see one, and others never go. I can understand the fear and dread that can come with a dental appointment, even though I

Are Your Problems Trying To Get You To Be Invincible?

God answered Elijah's prayer. This not only brought fire, but far more importantly, it turned the hearts of the people back to God. It also rid the land of the prophets of Baal. Then Elijah said

God is always Making You Smile, Wanna See God Smile?

“Let your face smile on us, Lord.” Psalm 4:6b “Let your face smile on us, Lord.” Psalm 4:6b “May his face smile with favor on us.” Psalm 67:1 “May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.” Number

God Wants You to Win! Spend 9 Minutes Or More with Him!Become A Winner!

You have probably already figured out that if you live life long enough, suffering is inevitable and you are going to experience different ups and downs. There are many harsh times and numerous hardships that often occur because of living

In all things, Who Is Your Source?

Who is the source of your happiness? Your joy? Your peace? It is easy to make other people the source of our contentment. In fact, when it comes to our most intimate relationships, it is hard not

Want A Miracle? Leave Your past,pursue your future!

I'm a big fan of running, and while I'm not really that good at it, I've had my fair share of experiences with long runs. The longest run I've done was twenty-one kilometers, and boy did it hurt. But it

Is it not working `Cause You’re Hidden?

Any recruit who has been through boot camp can tell you that every hour of the day someone is ordering you where to go, when to be there, what to do, and how to survive. That's a vital part of

Will The Real Enemy Please Stand Up?…

As we walk through the carnage of a week of bloodshed and violence, many of us are simply stunned. Many of us are looking for someone to blame, looking for an answer, looking for a solution. In the coming days

A Unique Spokesperson

God's methods are often surprising. God did not raise up an army to destroy Ahab and Jezebel. Neither did He send some scintillating prince to argue His case or try to impress their royal majesties. Instead, God did the unimaginable—He

Something Is Going On….

Dear God seeker, God is up to something, and you have been drawn to this message for a reason. God laid it on our hearts to share today's newsletter with those that He would draw to this message.

As you wait on God for your turnaround…

God never promised that life would be a bed of roses for anyone. Instead of life being a bed of roses for you, you may find that your life is often filled with thorns. The thorns in your life may
