Monthly Archives: October 2018

The Enemy Might Be Relentless and Strong, But God Is Stronger!

How long is God’s reach? It is further than your enemy’s. The battles we engage in, the Bible tells us, are not related to flesh and blood, that is, human beings; we are rather engaged in combat with fallen angels

You Might Just Need….A Prayer to “Say So”!

The Psalmist in chapter 107 outlines four basic types of people that need redemption. To one degree or another, we all have fallen into at least one of these four categories. All dilemmas equally desperate, the remedy is the same:

At Some Point and Time YOUR Handcuffs will be changed..

If you are dealing with difficult circumstances in your life, if something is plaguing you and will not desist, then, like Paul, you can boast! (It’s the one and only time in Scripture we are encouraged to do so!) Why?
