Tag Archives: wendyevans

You can make it with God’s help!

We saw the storm coming. While it was still days away, the predictions chilled our spines and jolted our complacency. “It’s a monster!” “Disaster is not only at our doorstep, it’s coming in!” Now it arrives and will it be

Don’t look back! God is providing something new!

I believe in being the best at what you do. I was great at sinning when that was my lifestyle. Now that Christ redeemed my life, I do my best every day to serve and please Him. I gave my

Don’t like what is? Seek God for a fresh start!

In the midst of life’s challenges and trials, it’s not uncommon to feel weary and discouraged. For Christians who have been tirelessly striving to do good, only to find themselves stuck in unchanging circumstances, the burden can feel overwhelming. If

Prayers for YOUR Pain!

No one likes pain. And for some, it feels unending. Pain can be physical, and it can be emotional. And yet, all pain hurts. And it leaves us asking questions; wondering why God allows our pain. Why Am I in

Miracles are still possible if God shows up!

Life has this uncanny ability to throw curveballs at us when we least expect it. The twists and turns often lead us into dark and seemingly endless tunnels of despair. It's in these moments that the concept of waiting takes

Transform Bad Situations! Invite God’s Hand to show up!

Life can throw you into the midst of challenging and seemingly insurmountable situations that leave you feeling weary, discouraged, and even hopeless. As a Christian, you strive to walk in faith and endurance, trusting that God will intervene and bring

Going through it? God has purposes for the flames in “Your” afflictions!

Psalm 66; Lam. 3:19-33 In life, without obstacles there will be no tentacles. Challenges are the spice of life. To everything God allows, there is a good reason behind it, either good or bad. What Is Psalms? Psalm is defined as sacred song

Need a Fresh start? 5 Benefits you’ll get if you keep praying!

In the third century, there was a desert father named Abba Paul who truly understood the benefits of prayer. While the other monks made their homes on the outskirts of cities in order to make a living selling woven baskets, Abba

Keep asking even if it “still” looks hopeless!

There is something about being a child that intrigues me: the simplicity of childlike faith that doesn’t take time to reason or to filter what is said—and has the confidence to ask and the simplicity to believe that they will

God wants to do something new!

Here is a wonderful promise from God’s Word for the coming new year from Isaiah 43:18-19 – “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you

As you wait, 10 ways to Trust God because He’s guiding YOU!

Trusting God in every situation can seem like a daunting task, especially when we are faced with difficulties and hardships. It's natural to feel scared or uncertain when life throws unexpected curveballs our way, but as believers, we have a

Use patience as a weapon when stubborn situations don’t change!

We honor God when we worship Him in all our attitudes, affections, and actions—basically, from a sincere heart. Are you patient and able to wait calmly during trials without becoming depressed, frustrated, or angry? With patience we can persevere through the difficult

When what YOU had wanted fails, God is still faithful!

When people have let us down with failed promises, and when everything we’ve placed our trust, security, and integrity in is lost, we come to understand that God is the only One who continues to be trustworthy. His faithfulness is always toward us.

Sometimes A change in direction helps!

The world tells us to follow our hearts like it’s a good thing. It means well. With every decision we make, whether it’s choosing a college, a career, a starter home, a spouse, and even a church, we want to
