1 thing!

Why not focus on the idea of “one thing”?

What if instead of setting off in several directions this year, you decided instead to focus your attention on one direction or on one thing?

To help boil this down, I would like to pose a few one-thing questions for you to consider over the next few weeks. I believe these questions could help you discern God’s plan and his desire for you in the coming new year.

Here is the first one-thing question. What one thing do you desire from God? Above everything else, if God said to you “I will do one thing in your life,” what is the one thing you would ask him to do?


The Psalmist, David, was described as a man after God’s own heart. Perhaps that was because of the one thing David wrote about in Psalm 27:4: “One thing I ask of the Lord this is what I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.”

David basically said, “If I could have one thing, I want to be with God. I want to be in his presence. If there is one thing that I need, it is God. If there is one thing that I desire above all else, it is to dwell in the presence of God.”

What is the one thing you desire from God in 2023?

Is it the salvation of a family member or friend?

For some, it might be deliverance from a stronghold or addiction that is preventing you from growing in your relationship with God. Perhaps your prayer is for the power to overcome.

For some, your one thing would be that God would bring healing in your marriage or some other relationship.

You may be tempted to pray for one thing that God would do to fix that other person.

But what if the one thing that God wants to do is something in you to help heal or change your marriage or some other relationship? Are you open to that possibility?


Maybe you have been promising you are going to slow down, but you have been making that promise for years, and nothing much has changed. Perhaps the one thing you need to do is to learn how to live according to the rhythms of God’s grace instead of the patterns of this world.

What one thing would you ask God to do in your life in 2023?

Write down or journal what 1 thing you would like God to do for you this year, then pray about it everyday.

Watch, wait and listen for how God decides to answer your prayers!

If God decides to answer your prayer, your life may become much better than you had ever hoped for and more abundant than you had ever dreamed of! http://penzu.com


Author S. Greene
