Do you need a Worry lift?

The Bible tells us that “the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” If you are feeling brokenhearted, tired, disgusted, fed up, broken, sick or fed up, God is close to you and He wants to help! Living life can be difficult, and finding the right solutions can often times feel like pulling teeth, it doesn’t have to be so hard for you! God can help! God wants to help! Let God help you with what you are going through so that you can begin to experience God’s highest and best for your life!

There is no need to keep worrying about what is not changing, what is not getting any better and what hasn’t moved yet, maybe God wants to work in your today’s rather than your tomorrow’s for right now, so why not work with God where He is working right now rather than worrying about where He is not working at? The audio below shares insights on how you can begin to better manage your worries as you follow us as we follow God!

God is gracious and kind enough to provide for all of His children in very unique and uncommon ways. If you’ve walked with God for any length of time by developing a relationship with Him, then you know this to be true. Even if you haven’t walked with God for any length of time and haven’t developed a relationship with Him, He is still your provider and provides for you and for your daily needs. God is the giver of all things. Everything that you have comes from God,”1 Chronicles 29:14″. If this ministry has been a blessing to you in any way, help us reach the world for God by giving us a donation today so that we can reach the world for God and impact lives for the kingdom of God! Millions of people around the world need encouragement and direction for their lives. Millions of people around the world need to hear what God has to say to them about their finances and many people around the world need to know why their current state of being is not working for them.  Because we have helped you, you can pay it forward and choose to help us reach others who need to hear the life saving, thought provoking, words of God! We therfore urge you to                                       


     Become a monthly seed faith giver in to our ministry! Partner with us! Give us  your financial seed and become a part of one of the next exciting moves of God!” No donation is to small, and every dollar that you give will help us reach more folks that need God’s word!  Bless us as we have blessed you! Give to us because we have given so freely and so much to you!  Give, and it will be given to you!  God loves a cheerful giver, when you give to those who help you, God will give to you!

Do you need help with your life as you travel through the school of hard knocks? Jesus can Help! Jesus wants to help! Let Jesus help! Ask Jesus for help, instructions below;

Here’s how;
1. Acknowledge your problem.
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

2. Accept God’s only remedy.
I am the way. The truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me, Jesus Christ. John 14:6

3. Give Christ charge.

I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in.
Revelation 3:20 Offer (give control of) yourselves to God.Romans 6:13

Lord Jesus, I confess that I’m lost in sin and cannot save my own soul. Thank you for dying for me on the cross. Come into my heart right now, cleanse me from all sin in your blood and take charge of my life as my Lord and Savior!

Need to talk to some 1 about accepting Jesus? Go here;


