God always Gives To You,Are You Giving To Him?

When you give to God you get back more than you ever thought possible. Now, that is not the main purpose for giving but that is just the way things happen to be. That must never be our motive for giving, but it just happens to be true, because one can never out give Almighty God.
The instances in the Bible of people giving and giving and receiving and receiving are quite amazing.
Jesus taught that the measure you use in giving would be the measure God will use in giving to you, like using a small ladle or a large ladle.
If you turn in your Bible to Luke Chapter 6 you will discover this is clearly taught by Jesus Christ.
Yes, it can be abused, but then, anything can be abused and misused when sin take a grip of circumstances.
If you give in 10 notes God may use 10 notes to give back to you. If you give in 50 notes God might use 50 notes in giving back to you. What we sow determines how we reap and that applies spiritually as well as physically. Over the years, many have proved this to be so true.
This is not being mercenary nor money centred. It just happens to be what Jesus Christ taught.
A man asked a girl called Rebekah for a drink of water. Not only did she give him the requested water, but she offered to water his camels too, and her life was changed for ever.
As a consequence, she became the wife of Isaac, inheriting a fortune, and being part of the genealogical tree of Jesus Christ. Rebekah was blessed, and her family was also blessed, as they too received gifts.
When you give generously, your loved ones can be blessed too. What is it you are praying for to happen in your family? Might this be a key to unlock some door which you cannot seem to budge?
When you give, the impact of your giving to God can be far wider than dreamed of.
Imagine if Noah said to God, “I don’t do arks”, or if David had said, “No, I don’t tackle giants”, or if Mary answered, “I don’t do virgin births”, or if Jesus had breathed to the Father, “I don’t do crosses”!
A lifestyle of generous giving and faithful service can influence thousands, outlive you, and bless those who come after you. Let God speak to you today on how He wants you to give to Him
Sandy Shaw
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