God can still help you “make it through” if you trust Him!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader, if you find yourself in circumstances that weigh heavy on your heart, know that you are not alone. Perhaps you’re facing challenges in your relationships, career, health, or personal struggles that seem insurmountable. The weight of discouragement, distraction, and manipulation may be pressing down on you, threatening to steal your joy and derail your faith journey. But take heart, for there is hope in Christ Jesus.

If you feel like this, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and even defeated. The enemy delights in orchestrating situations that breed discouragement, and situations that distract us from God’s ways! The enemy does this because the enemy wants to manipulate us into believing lies about ourselves and our circumstances. The enemy creates bad situations, sickness, disease, poverty, and overwhelming stressful circumstances to make you doubt God, doubt yourself and make you want to give up and quit! When this happens You may feel like you’re drowning in a sea of negativity, with no way out in sight. This is exactly what the enemy wants.

The devil is cunning and relentless in his schemes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). He manipulates circumstances to make you doubt God’s goodness and question His faithfulness. He whispers lies of defeat and despair, hoping to break your spirit and cripple your faith.

But take heart, dear friend, for the enemy’s tactics are no match for the power of God at work. If you pray to God and trust God, He will help you uncover the enemy’s schemes, so that you can stand firm in the truth of God’s Word and resist the devil’s attacks (James 4:7). YOU can take back the ground the enemy has stolen from you and reclaim victory in Christ.

So how do you do that you might wonder?

đź’˘YOU pray, “Dear Heavenly Father, will you please come and Rewrite my life’s Story” because of what the enemy has done to me?  Father will you please help me? Will you please turn around these bad circumstances for your my good and YOUR Glory”? YOU pray that prayer repeatedly, and then allow God time to respond so that He can decide:

🤷‍♂️How to,

đź’¤If to, when to and where to “rewrite your life’s story” becuase of what the enemy has done to you!

After that, allow God to determine if to and when to intervene into your circumstances in such a way so that His divine plot twists can bring about the redemption and restoration your circurmstances demand because of how bad what the enemy did to you is.

đź’ŚIf you want God to do this for you,

đź’˘you must surrender your circumstances, your feelings, and your fears to God, trusting that He is able to work all things together for your good (Romans 8:28). God knows what’s best for you and He knows what happened to you, if YOU want God to help you get your life fixed, let go and let God decide what to do next after you have prayed this prayer repeatedly!


God is the ultimate Author of our lives, and He is writing a story of grace, mercy, and hope. When we invite Him into our struggles, He transforms our trials into testimonies, our pain into purpose, and our setbacks into setups for His glory. He turns mourning into dancing, ashes into beauty, and despair into joy unspeakable.


Just because some “bad things happened and it would appear that they are never going to change, never going to get any better and they won’t be moving anytime soon, never assume so much negative when God can bring about so much positive. Probably things are as bad as they are, because when you turn to God and place them in His hands and allow Him to “do what He do”,

YOU “gone get miracles”, breakthroughs, sudden exciting opportunities, solutions you never knew existed, and “positive plot twists” concerning what the enemy tried to do to you that changes things for your good and for God’s Glory!

If you want in on that, you can’t entertain the demons of doubt, discouragement or despair, because they will bring you down and make your vibe “so low” what God has for you can’t show up!

You gotta let God know that “you with it, you want it and you “gone” keep praying for it until He does it, so you can see it, feel it and get what He has just for you!

Let’s seal the deal with another prayer if  you want in on this! “You game”? If so, let’s pray:


Heavenly Father, we come before You with hearts heavy with burdens and minds weary from the battles we face. We confess that we have allowed discouragement, distraction, and manipulation to cloud our vision and steal our joy. But we thank You, Lord, that Your power is made perfect in our weakness.

We invite You, God, to rewrite our story according to Your perfect will. Give us eyes to see Your hand at work in the midst of our trials, and hearts that trust in Your unfailing love. Help us to resist the enemy’s lies and stand firm on Your promises. Fill us with Your peace that surpasses all understanding, and empower us to walk in victory each day.

May Your Holy Spirit guide us, comfort us, and strengthen us as we journey through life’s ups and downs. Let Your light shine brightly in the darkness, and let Your truth set us free from every snare of the enemy. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Dear reader, as you navigate through the challenges of life, remember that God is with you every step of the way. He is rewriting your story with His divine plot twists, turning your trials into triumphs and your pain into purpose. Embrace His love, His grace, and His power, and watch as He transforms your circumstances for His glory. Amen.
