Tag Archives: Christmas

Discover God’s Abundance even if YOU’RE broke!

Financial pressures – from unemployment to unexpected bills – can cause a tremendous amount of stress in your life. When you don’t have enough money, you’re not just broke, but also broken from the stress of living in a financial

The barren Christmas tree!

We would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and an even happier New Year. The day that we have all been waiting for is here, Christmas, the celebration of God’s one and only son Jesus Christ’s

Are You Unhappy this Christmas?

The Christmas season is supposed to be the happiest time of year – at least according to popular culture. Carols like “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year” proclaim Christmas cheer, while advertisements show happy people enjoying seemingly perfect holidays.

Don’t like how things are? Christmas is Your opportunity for a new beginning!

If you’ve ever read the story of the birth of Jesus, or watched a movie about the birth of Jesus, you may have come to the same conclusions that we did; not only is Christmas a truly magical time of

7 Ways The Enemy is Working To destroy YOUR Christmas!

There’s an enemy in this world, he’s crafty and cruel, he’s on the prowl, and he hates Christmas. The very truth that Jesus came to dwell among us and set us free from sin, makes Satan fiercely mad, and he

Hate To Wait For God? 8 Reasons You Should Wait for God to guide you!

With e-ticket receipt printed, music selected, and exciting meetings planned, I felt totally excited. I couldn’t wait to fly to Nashville and record my latest album with a Grammy-winning producer. Suddenly, I got sick. My plans crashed. With the trip

Christmas can teach YOU A Lot about waiting!

Out of the many slogans we could apply to today's culture one must surely be "I want it and I want it now". Many of the things we once had to wait days, weeks or even months for, we can

Let The Magic Of Christmas Inspire You to Gift God!

It’s time to go for it. This is your time! What do you really want?Stop letting any of those reasons and excuses hold you back.Go for your dream now. Take whatever action possible and keep moving forward.Stop listening to any

10 Reasons To Be Thankful ~This Thanksgiving!

The holiday season is the perfect time to consider what you are thankful for and why. But Thanksgiving and Christmas aren’t the only times of the year to count your blessings. Finding gratitude and appreciating the small stuff in life

Get ready, the New Year is coming!

With Christmas behind us now, the New Year is fast approaching! The really wonderful thing about the New Year coming is that the old year is going away and the promise of the New Year is right around the

Tired?Frustrated?Not Happy? God Knows Your Heart!

Easter is coming and I'm on a quest to read the Psalms. One of the gifts that I decided to give God this year is the gift of spending more time reading His Holy Word the Bible. So, While

Let God transform your Christmas!Evangelist Evans Has a message For YOU!

We shared this message a couple of years ago, and many people were blessed by it, so here it is again....We pray that you will listen and be blessed as you listen and give God 5 minutes or more this

Don’t Worry, God Has A Plan!

Sorrows and trials don’t discriminate. They come to all of us at all times and seasons – even Christmas. Perhaps the gifts you’ve purchased for loved ones aren’t the only burdens you had to carry on Christmas Day. What
