Tag Archives: duct

Facing closed doors?Appeal them with YOUR praise!

-“O Thou Kind Lord! These lovely children are the handiwork of YOUR fingers of Thy might and the wondrous signs of Thy greatness. O God! Protect these children, graciously assist them to be educated and enable them to render service

Honoring The Job God Gave You Honors Him!

In what ways do most people honor God? Many people say, “I go to church to honor God.” “I read the Christian Bible to honor God.” “I pray and praise to honor God.” And yes, all of these are true

God is Calling You!

Happy Labor Day to you! We hope that on this Labor day, you are getting chances to rest from the toil of working and the stress that it can often produce. Today is a good day to rest, reflect and

Random News Around The World!

Abducting Girls in the Name of God We should also pray for the capture and bringing to justice of the barbaric criminals who have abducted these girls and violated their human dignity. And we should pray for God’s judgment upon

Are you the victim of God’s Pruning Shears?

Recently when we had one of our round table discussions about God and what He is currently doing in the lives of the people around the world, we began to realize that not only is God at work in their

Something about the name of Jesus!

As you get ready for the Christmas Holiday season, we are sure that you are bombarded with ads galore which are on TV, the internet, the newspaper, your email, your cell phone and billboards everywhere. But if you’re like us
