Tag Archives: encouraging

Tired? Can God Refresh You?

Peace is something everyone wants, but so few enjoy. Many are troubled, confused and worried over various things happening in their lives and in the world. Catastrophes and sorrows are all around us and no family is exempt from adversity

Are the Yabbotts Visiting YOU to “Try To Steal” YOUR Joy?

"I can't seem to find God at work anywhere in my life? Where is he? Has Jesus abandoned me? Look at all that is going wrong with me and with my life and with my church — how could God

God has given you a coach-The Holy Spirit!

Often times when you are going through difficult times, it can seem like you are all alone with no one to help you and no one to guide you. But things are not always what they seem. Even when there

Are Your Problems Trying To Get You To Be Invincible?

God answered Elijah's prayer. This not only brought fire, but far more importantly, it turned the hearts of the people back to God. It also rid the land of the prophets of Baal. Then Elijah said

Is your life like Brad?

Sometimes it might look like things cannot get much worse for you. You may not be able to see how anything could possibly turn around for you! The world may feel like it is cashing in on you from every

Your prison cell of bad circumstances can’t hold you forever!

The local TV meteorologist occasionally points to a map and says something like this: “I’m afraid that things are going to get worse before they get better.” Such a forecast could very well have applied to Israel when God sent

“Behold, I have put before you an open door” -Revelation 3:8

We are all, by nature,creatures of habit,easily lulled into complacency. However, God wants more from us so He nudges us forward, compelling us to change and to see the world through His eyes.As He does this, He reveals new opportunities

God wants to meet your needs!

God wants your life to be happy and fulfilled!He wants you to experience His highest and best blessings for your life!Each day can be incredible for you as you wake up and seek God for what He has in store

Need marriage advice..encouraging words!

My husband and I have been married for almost twenty years. He has always been a great provider financially for us and I am greatful for that.

Why is the world silence over Christian persecution?

According to revelations (20: 4), many Christians are beheaded for the testimony of Jesus Christ and the word of God. Apostle John gave warm and encouraging words of Christians in relation to our victory over the world, "for what is
