Tag Archives: key

No Matter What, Keep Dancing With God -Who Brought You!

Years before your junior prom, long before your kindergarten rendition of the hokey pokey, God began a dance with you. Before He sketched you out, He first sat down with a pen and paper and orchestrated every line of your

Want an escape?Take a minute to imagine!

Imagine if you will that you are in Hawaii on a deserted island with the water and the winds blowing up against your face. The weather is absolutely perfect, you are feeling as free as a bird and you are

Are you seeking God for answers?

When problems occur in your life, do you ever question God and ask “why?” Do you ever wonder why such a good God would allow so much pain and so much suffering? For example, have you ever thought to yourself

God is shaping You to reflect His Glory!

We are a mirror-like reflection of God’s glory. He chooses to use us to reflect His glory and character. What is God like? Look at a committed follower of Jesus and you will get a glimpse of the nature of

Struggles exist for a reason!

Recently we've gotten dozens of prayer requests from around the world from people seeking and needing God to heal them because of the amount of sickness, pain and disease that seems to be occurring around the world. We decided to

Allow God to change your disappointments to victory!

Life has a funny way of taking you down some long and winding roads that can really perplex you and make you wonder just what is going on. What you thought was going to happen sometimes doesn't and what you

Facing closed doors?Appeal them with YOUR praise!

-“O Thou Kind Lord! These lovely children are the handiwork of YOUR fingers of Thy might and the wondrous signs of Thy greatness. O God! Protect these children, graciously assist them to be educated and enable them to render service

Let God lead you to more!

Never let anyone tell you that you can’t succeed at what God has created you to do and what God has created you to be no matter what it is.  As you probably know, to achieve any goal in life,

Evangelist Evans has a word for you!

Are you experiencing setbacks in your life?Evangelist Evans has a word for you on how God wants to work in your life through the adversity that you might be currently experiencing in your life!Listen in as she shares with you
