Tag Archives: Root

Choked By Life’s Circumstances? Get in God’s Flow! A Prayer For You!

None of us gets through life without meeting trouble and sorrow at some point or another. At such times you may even wonder where God is; you may not feel Him near you and may even be tempted to ask,

7 Ways The Enemy is Working To destroy YOUR Christmas!

There’s an enemy in this world, he’s crafty and cruel, he’s on the prowl, and he hates Christmas. The very truth that Jesus came to dwell among us and set us free from sin, makes Satan fiercely mad, and he

Give your Worry & Problems to God! Expect God to help!

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and

If things have been terrible, expect Seasons of Hope!

It’s the time of year when nature inspires a sense of awe in us. As leaves die, they give forth one final burst of color brighter than the paint on an artist’s palette. The sky takes on an unusually crisp

Are the Yabbotts Visiting YOU to “Try To Steal” YOUR Joy?

"I can't seem to find God at work anywhere in my life? Where is he? Has Jesus abandoned me? Look at all that is going wrong with me and with my life and with my church — how could God

God wants to help you avoid the devil’s traps!

If you have been following God for any length of time, then you’ve probably figured out that placed in your pathway are booby traps, obstacles, liars, thieves, scam artists, con artists and many different schemes full of bait and switch

Are You Stressed At Work?4 Ways To Help You!

The working life today has risen several notches up the difficulty scale. Now, people work for longer hours for five days and sometimes, even for the entire week. There are many possible reasons for this change, like the economical pitfalls

Whose Kingdom is This Anyway?

I have always been far too preoccupied with my own glory. I don’t like saying that because it sounds terrible. And embarrassing. And deeply sinful. God does not share his glory with anyone else and our lives need to be preoccupied with

Is God included In YOUR Next Move?

Yes, old Jacob had learned some hard lessons about what happened when he did not talk with God and walk with God. Therefore, he wanted to be sure that God was in this. This was a big move for all

Did You Know God Picks who goes with You?

When we hear the Holy Father speak to us about the Christian life being a pilgrimage, he is telling us that life is not only about getting someplace quickly, rather it is about who is with you on the road,

Ever Wonder Why God allows Suffering?

Of all the letters Paul wrote, Second Corinthians is the most autobiographical. In this letter Paul records the specifics of his anguish, tears, affliction, and satanic opposition. He spells out the details of his persecution, loneliness, imprisonments, beatings, feelings of

Maybe God intended what Has happened to you to give you “Wings”

"Grab here, amigo." I grabbed. "Hold on tight, por favor." I held on. "When you come back toward the shore and I blow whistle, you pull cord pronto!" Within seconds I was airborne. A loud "whoosh," a long strong jerk,

Let God hold your hand!

  One of the joys of being with kids is holding their hands. We do it to keep them safe while crossing the street, or to keep them from getting lost in a crowd. And whenever they stumble and lose
