Tag Archives: situation

Are Your Problems Trying To Get You To Be Invincible?

God answered Elijah's prayer. This not only brought fire, but far more importantly, it turned the hearts of the people back to God. It also rid the land of the prophets of Baal. Then Elijah said

In all things, Who Is Your Source?

Who is the source of your happiness? Your joy? Your peace? It is easy to make other people the source of our contentment. In fact, when it comes to our most intimate relationships, it is hard not

Expect God to lead you from barren,low and tight places!

A fresh new wave of God's goodness is headed your way as God begins to "shift" some things around in your life and as He re-orders new choices for your life. It may seem like you have been stuck in

Are Problems Holding You Hostage?

May I meddle for a moment? What's the one thing separating you from joy? How do you fill in this blank: "I will be happy when____?" When I'm healed...when I'm promoted...when I'm married...when I'm single...when I'm rich? With your

Have you grown impatient with God?

Dear child of God, have you grown very tired of where you are or have you grown very tired of waiting on the promises of God to manifest in your life? Has waiting on God caused you to grow impatient

A 2016 Prayer for you!

Dear God seeker, We are praying for you ! With news of all that is going on in the world right now and all that may be happening in your life, we want you to know that no matter what

Use Travail to birth your miracle this Christmas!

As of right now, depending upon where you are in the world, there are 5 more days before Christmas and 11 more days in this year, the clock is ticking. We've been speaking to you about finishing your 2015 strong

Even Mary-mother of Jesus had hardships!

Child of God, think it not strange concerning the fiery trials that are trying you and trying to choke every ounce of life out of you that they can, the devil is busy and He is on a mission to

It may not be working,`Cause something’s Missing!

There is still just one thing that is needful and that is More of the Word of God. It's the one thing that You cannot successfully do without. If you will attend to the Word and spend some time in

Let God clear your way!

In football when a player begins to score, what does the opposing team do? They assign their best players to block him, tackle him, distract him, hinder him and keep that player from being able to cross the line to

Are you unhappy with your circumstances?

Contentment is hard to attain. Even the apostle Paul, a hero of the faith, had to learn to be content (Phil. 4:11). It was not a natural character trait for him.For Paul to write that he was content in every

Tired of going through?It could be a test!

"Good morning class. Clear your desk. We have a surprise test today". Do you remember the agony and the butterflies that filled your stomach when the teacher would announce a surprise test? They never came at a good time.

Surrender Draws God’s Grace!

Have you ever experienced a situation in life or work where you felt so attached to an outcome that it was driving you crazy? Have you tried everything in your power to manipulate that particular outcome and still have nothing

God wants to fix your broken pieces!

Have you ever felt as though your problem, circumstance or personal pain, although a big deal to you, seemed too small for God to be concerned about? Quite the contrary is true. God is not only your Creator and Father,
