Tag Archives: St.

God wants to heal your broken pieces!

Have you ever felt as though your problems, circumstances or personal pain, although a big deal to you, seemed too small for God to be concerned about? Quite the contrary is true. God is not only your Creator and Father,

Are You waiting on God?

We’ve noticed that 1 of the hardest thing for us Christians to do is wait on God, especially when we might find ourselves in very bad and painful situations. It’s easy to say that we will wait on God when

Let God help you turn the page!Evangelist Evans shares!

If you are very tired of worrying and having to go through things that YOU cannot change or control, you have probably figured out that you may need more help than what is available to you! Jesus Christ is offering

Does your life seem like the Government has shut it down?

  Do you feel stuck in life? Does it seem like one door after another has been slammed shut in your face while you watch others sail through life with seemingly not a care or a problem in the world?

Are you seeking God for a breakthrough?

Dear child of God, no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in right now, God wants you to prosper. Your circumstances may  seem like God neither cares for you or wants you to prosper, but be informed that your

God has allowed your pain for a purpose!Listen as Evangelist Evans shares!

Life can oftentimes be very overwhelming, very draining and it can wear you out. Jesus wants to help you win the battles that you currently face in life if you will invite Him into your circumstances. Up until now you

Are you afflicted?Evangelist Evans has a word for you on afflictions!

    Life can oftentimes be very overwhelming,very draining and it can wear you out.  Jesus wants to help you win the battles that you currently face in life if you will invite Him into your circumstances. Jesus wants to

Listen as Evangelist Evans shares a word on endurance!

http://dld.bz/bVMY4 Life can oftentimes be very overwhelming, very draining and it can wear you out. Jesus wants to help you win the battles that you currently face in life if you will invite Him into your circumstances. Up until now

God is coming with Divine recompense for you!

Have patience with all things,but chiefly have patience with yourself.You have been through a lot,you’ve suffered a lot and you’ve lacked a lot.Do not lose your courage or your faith because some things seem to be either not right or seem

Are you waiting on God to answer your prayer?

Have you ever wondered why God makes you wait when you pray? Scripture makes it clear that our Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.Yet we all experience times when, though we pray for God to act right away,He does not.Have

Inspirational Christian Stories Video

www.inhimitrust.com Inspirational Christian Stories video reveals words of wisdom, so you can improve your life and discover if you are the deliverer of "Falsehoods" or not when it comes to your children.

Christian Encouragement – Hope in God

God is sovereign in our suffering. He has a good purpose, and is working all things for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Be encouraged, and put your faith in God, as He has blessed us immensely in

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