Tag Archives: Wendy

If You Feel Stuck, Here’s Help For you!

We've all been stuck in life, but here is what you need to do to become free. Feeling stuck is incredibly frustrating. You feel blah, depressed and out-of-sorts. We all go through this at times in our lives. You’re bored

A Morning Prayer For You!

Jesus, I woke up today and remembered that You are still on the throne. You are very much alive, still risen and victorious over death. The angels and elders haven’t ceased their praise. Nothing has changed–You are still Lord of

Ever Wonder If God is in Control, Why Pray?

It’s a question we’ve all asked from time to time. If God controls each and every event, from the tiniest to the greatest, and has already decided what will happen, then why pray? After all, if it’s going to happen

Did YOU Know Reading The Bible Has Benefits?

The most potent of all changes that come from the Word of God is that of being born again, as Paul reminded the Corinthians, “Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received,

Can God change your pain to New Beginnings?

Any time is a good time to make a new beginning. At any point in your experience, you can make a change, find a new direction, and take a new path. You do not need to wait for the

Are You Hoping For A Better Year?

We all want this year to be better than last — even if last year was a great year. But have you ever wondered how a better year happens? I've found that a better year happens Not by having better

Want New Blessings? Give God Your Calendar!

I am keenly interested in considering a subject we all deal with — managing our time. For some of us, it seems as though time manages us; for others, we are glued to our calendars and our calendars are the

God will make a way For YOU!

Are you simply having a rough time? Are you standing at the crossroads of life trying to decide what to do and which way to go? If you are God, wants to rescue you. If you're having a rough time

Bored? Tired? 4 Tips for Better Quiet Time With God!

The perfect quiet time— what should it look like? Should we have a special tree in the shade outside where we can watch the sun rise? Should it be an old wooden bench by the waterfront? Does it need to

A Labor Day Prayer for YOU!

Father, I come before you thankful that you have made work a part of life and given me the opportunity to glorify you in my work. Thank you that I can work hard and go to bed tired each day.

Here Are 4 Ways God Might Be Speaking To YOU!

The most obvious way God speaks to us is through His holy Word, the Bible. When people ask about finding the will of God for their lives, I point them to the Scriptures. If we want to know the mind

He is not here,He is risen!

Dear God seeker, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Easter Sunday! We hope and pray that where ever this article finds you in your life you will choose to thank God for the celebration

Give God 10+Minutes Daily, Let Him “Guide You” as Easter approaches!

I don't know about you, but I very rarely (if ever!) think of myself as being a sheep but following God as He leads you requires that you become like a sheep following your good shepherd. There are too
