Tag Archives: Shock

He is not here,He is risen!

Dear God seeker, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Easter Sunday! We hope and pray that where ever this article finds you in your life you will choose to thank God for the celebration

How are you handling the Seeds God gives YOU?

A successful businessman was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his Directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He gathered the

It’s September And God Wants To Open New Doors For You As You Seek Him!

When you reach periods of doubt here's a thought for you..... stop and change the music and the path you are walking on. Talk to new people, read new and different books, open your mind to new thoughts that will

Ever wonder if God is talking to you? 3 Ways to tell!

God's voice is clearly distinct from the many voices that we hear each day. There are some giveaways that we need to be on the lookout for to be able to distinguish His voice from others. God's voice is

Are YOU Really Seeking God First?

The Christian culture is full of language that speaks our heart and call. Some have the power to alter your life for the better while some remain weird "Christianese" that really doesn't make much sense on an applicable level. One

What the Bible has to say about being prosperous and successful in all that you do

So many people think that there are many ways to success. True enough, as many disciplines and areas of expertise exists, so does the many means and ways to become "good enough" or "the best" at something. But still, many

Expect God to turn things around For You!

Where do you find help and support when you most need it? True friendship is strengthened in adversity. Jesus offers his disciples the best and truest of friends. Who is this promised friend? Jesus calls the Holy Spirit our Counselor

Don’t let Your Problems make you lose your Faith!

1 Timothy at the end says "Guard what has been entrusted in your care." (v20). Consider his choice of words. You only "guard" something that is valuable but can easily be taken. If you have something that someone might want

Walk by Faith-Leave Results to God!

Walking by faith is easy when we get the results we are looking for, isn't it? When our prayers are answered the way we want them to be and everything happens the way we want, it's easy to have faith.

What if your turnaround involves Giving?

Have you ever given away several books, and received 20 in return? When you smile at the grocery clerk, does she have a better day and pass that on to the rest of her customers? When you wrap your child

If God did it for Jessica Reedy,He can do it for you!

We have a special treat for you! In these SPECIAL videos of Jessica Reedy TV, Jess reflects upon her journey from depression and doubt in Saginaw, MI to having #1 Gospel CD in the country…if God did it for her,

Want to be Refreshed as You wait on God?

Here’s a refreshing prayer for you as you wait on God to deliver you from barren, low and tight places. Spend some time listening to the words of this video and get refreshed with a fresh new wave of God’s

Are you really tired all the time?

Having energy in life is about balance. It is about being clear and not being weighed down by thoughts, emotions. It is to let go of struggle and to remain present. Energy in life comes from connecting, from being present,

Don’t know what to pray?Here’s help!

As Jesus prepares you for God’s deliverance, we would like to encourage you to pray more as you wait on God to deliver you from low, barren and tight places. If you are having trouble knowing what to pray or
