Category Archives: God

Let God’s truth light YOUR way!

One of my favorite definitions of vision is “something seen otherwise than by the ordinary sight.” In other words, what you see in the natural should never limit what you can see by faith or by revelation. Too often, we

Choose The Right Key!

With a new season making an appearance, I wanted to take inventory of lawn chairs and garden supplies. I fumbled with the lock on my shed, using a key I thought would work. Not so. I tried a second key.

Waiting on God? A Prayer For You As You Wait!

Are you currently in a place of waiting? Perhaps you are waiting for a job, for healing, for restoration in a relationship, or for wisdom to know where you should go next.That place of waiting is a place we are

Depressed? Tired? Draw close to God!

Most of us will have experienced periods where we have felt lower than normal, and a little further from the Lord. And, although it never feels like it at the time, most of us know that these low periods do

Uncertain? Trust God to guide you!

Have you ever changed the batteries in a flashlight by putting them in backward? Or have you ever tried to unlock a door by using the wrong key? Maybe you’ve inserted your credit/debit card incorrectly at a fuel pump… If

Perhaps A Change Of Your Routine Might Help!

I can't stop traveling. It's like a deep seed that God placed inside me when He knitted me together. Why would I spend my money on something else when I can spend it on seeing the world? There is so

God has given you two choices!

We love choices. From the 1970s “Have It Your Way” Burger King jingle to the more than one hundred drink options in a Coca-Cola Freestyle drink machine, we like to express our preferences and make our selections. Having designed this characteristic

Tired? Come Drink of The Water Of God’s Grace….

Water of grace is constantly falling over our head with out any break. It is coming from an infinite distance to help us move through this world. It is also the water of faith instilling courage and confidence in us.

Be Mindful of the Words You Hear

It was raining, and Starbucks® was quiet. After I got my coffee and settled in next to the window, I opened up my laptop to get a few things done while I waited for my friend. Three men entered and

When People and Problems TrY To DraG You Down, remember this!

These are the words that weigh down every one who is trying to focus their life and attention on the things of God. It seems the more determined we are to live a life trusting fully in God, the harder

Want To Make A Difference? Send YOUR Prayers Up As Flares!

Names and faces, possibilities, worries, thoughts, fears and duties fly in and out of our minds all day. Turning that stream of consciousness into prayer is THE secret to life. Capturing thoughts as they fly by and shifting them into

When Times are hard, “seek God more” so God can do more!

I’m sure we all have those verses in our Bibles that we have underlined, circled, and highlighted, right? For me, the above passage is heavily annotated. But the one word that struck me as I re-read this Psalm recently was

You can make it with God’s help!

We saw the storm coming. While it was still days away, the predictions chilled our spines and jolted our complacency. “It’s a monster!” “Disaster is not only at our doorstep, it’s coming in!” Now it arrives and will it be
