Tired of going through it? Invite God to “come and breathe” on YOUR Sour Situations!

Welcome to this how-to article on the benefits of inviting God to “breathe” on sour situations that have resisted change or solutions. In times of difficulty or when faced with seemingly impossible circumstances, inviting God to intervene can bring about transformation and breakthrough. By acknowledging God’s power and seeking His guidance, you can open the door to divine intervention and allow God to work in your life to bring about joy, blessings, abundance and God’s solutions for long standing problems that refuse to change, resist improvement and don’t get any better no matter what!

To obtain God’s help and or involvement is not difficult to do, but it is essentially neccessary that you set aside quality time in which you will NOT be interrupted, distracted, asleep or cold or indifferent to that which you are asking of God.

Breathe On Me O Breath of God Digital Art by Belinda Rose - Pixels

To assist you in inviting God to come and “breathe” on your sour situations that have resisted solutions, we have listed several steps you can follow to obtain God’s help and or intervention! The steps are listed below;

Step 1 – Acknowledge the Situation

The first step in inviting God to “breathe” on a sour situation is to acknowledge its existence. Avoiding or denying the problem will only prolong the struggle. Take a moment to honestly assess the situation and recognize the areas that need improvement or resolution.

Step 2 – Surrender Control

Once you have acknowledged the situation, it’s important to surrender control to God. Understand that you cannot solve everything on your own and that God is there to help. Release your burdens and trust in His plan for your life.

Breathe on me Breath of God - Life in the Spirit


Step 3 – Pray for Guidance

Prayer is a powerful tool for inviting God’s intervention. Take time to pray and seek His guidance on how to navigate the situation. Ask for wisdom, discernment, and direction in finding solutions or making decisions.

Step 4 – Trust in God’s Timing

Patience is key when inviting God to “breathe” on sour situations. Understand that His timing may not align with yours, but His plans are always perfect. Trust that He knows what is best and have faith that He will bring about the right outcome at the right time.

The Breath of God - This Redeemed Life




Step 5 – Seek Support

Don’t go through the journey alone. Surround yourself with a community of believers who can provide support, encouragement, and prayers. Share your struggles with trusted friends or mentors who can walk alongside you as you invite God to work in the situation.

Step 6 – Meditate on Scripture

Reading and meditating on God’s Word can bring clarity and peace in the midst of difficult circumstances. Find relevant verses or passages that speak to your situation and reflect on them regularly. Allow God’s truth to permeate your thoughts and guide your actions.


Your Soul Needs the Breath of God's Grace | Revive Our Hearts Blog | Revive Our Hearts



Step 7 – Take Action

While it is important to rely on God’s intervention, it is also crucial to take practical steps towards resolving the situation. As you seek God’s guidance, be open to His prompting and take action in alignment with His will. This may involve making changes, seeking professional help, or stepping out in faith.

Discovering Ruach, The Powerful Breath of God - Nan Jones

Bonus Tip – Cultivate Gratitude

In the midst of challenging situations, cultivating an attitude of gratitude can shift your perspective and open your heart to God’s work. Take time each day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life, even in the midst of difficulties. This will help you maintain a positive outlook and trust in God’s faithfulness.

Conclusion – Embrace Transformation through God’s Breath

Inviting God to “breathe” on sour situations can bring about remarkable change and transformation. By acknowledging the situation, surrendering control, praying for guidance, trusting in God’s timing, seeking support, meditating on Scripture, taking action, and cultivating gratitude, we create an environment for God to work in our lives. Embrace the power of God’s breath and invite Him to bring about the change you need today.
Breathe on me breath of God - YouTube
Breath Prayer Cards – Download – Godspacelight