Tag Archives: Lord

Waiting on God? A Prayer For You As You Wait!

Are you currently in a place of waiting? Perhaps you are waiting for a job, for healing, for restoration in a relationship, or for wisdom to know where you should go next.That place of waiting is a place we are

Trust God for replenishment when life depletes you!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader,  in the midst of life's chaos and challenges, it's crucial to allow God to replenish your weary soul.  When exhaustion sets in, and you feel drained from the weight of the world on your

Going through it? God has purposes for the flames in “Your” afflictions!

Psalm 66; Lam. 3:19-33 In life, without obstacles there will be no tentacles. Challenges are the spice of life. To everything God allows, there is a good reason behind it, either good or bad. What Is Psalms? Psalm is defined as sacred song

Tired? God wants to refresh you!

One of the pitfalls of living in our troublesome world is that you can become problem-centered rather than God-centered. When this happens oftentimes you will lose the proper perspective. Gradually,all your problems begin to look huge and the strength of

Trust God, He’s guiding YOU to something!

“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.” – Isaiah 12:2 Sometimes fear and worry get the better of

Want something better? Meet With God!

God gave you a will to choose Him, and He’s not about to override that will. He gives us invitation towards intimacy, but, like a gentleman, He respects our choices and doesn’t control or insist on anything. Want intimacy with

You have A New Day, God wants you to enjoy it!

“This is the day that the Lord has made;let us rejoice and be glad in it.”-Psalm 118:24 - We all know that Bible verse even if we don’t know that it is from The Book of Psalms. There even is

Life Can Be Hard, But Trust God When You Keep Facing Challenges!

Psalm 20 is a beautiful invocation of God’s blessing and protection. The psalmist, David, learned from personal experience he could trust God completely. On many occasions he called out to God in dire need and God never failed him. Here

Wait Expectantly For God to Act!

In Colorado, up in the high country, there are tall towers with enclosed platforms where park rangers used to spend their days and nights. Binoculars slung around their neck, high-powered telescope pointed out the floor to ceiling windows, watching the

Allow God to work His plans for you this month!

Do you ever worry about your future? Are you ever filled with fear about your future and what is going to happen in your life next? Life can be terribly unfair, with problems, setbacks, disappointments and suffering galore. If you

Sometimes for things to get better, all YOU need is a “change in YOUR life’s season”!

Are you currently dealing with issues that seem to be affecting your life’s season? Do your problems leave you worried, discouraged, or even exhausted to the point of no return? Well, I have some good news for you. You are

Don’t Worry, God will Help you!

Over the ages, God has been proven faithful by the many things that He has done for His people. In Genesis, we read Him saving Noah and his family from the wickedness of their time. We read God mightily delivering

Feeling Tired or weak? 10 Bible verses on the power of God!

In the Bible God says that we are powerful. He says that we have been given a work to do and that we are Christ's ambassadors on earth to spread the good news of his resurrection. This can feel a
