Re: Hurricane Ian update!

Hurricane Ian has made landfall with 150 miles + and hour winds here in Florida! No mail is being delivered today. Grocery stores are closed. Most other Stores are closed and almost everything in our State has been shut down. The Governor has issued an order stating that the state of Florida is in a state of emergency.
Although evacuation orders were given to lots of folks, I made decision for our ministry team to not evacuate because we trust in God’s protection and God’s care.
Thousands of folks have evacuated and went else where. We trust God to save us, protect us and keep the storm from damaging us, harming us or causing us any adversity. We are all hunkering down. The area where our ministry is located in Florida so far has been saved, there is rain, there is wind, but so far it is not that bad. The power is still on. The power has flickered off and on but we are praying that the power will stay on.
We have been able to schedule some social media content for you but until Hurricane Ian departs our area and we have had sufficient time to clean up the brunt of Hurricane Ian’s effects, future social media blog posts, or content may not be posted, may be delayed, or may not appear as usual.
We ask for your continued prayers and continued support. It is making a difference. Initially Hurricane Ian had been forecasted to come to our area and do the brunt of the damage but prayer changes things. Because of our prayers and your prayers, Hurricane Ian changed it’s path and is not doing the brunt of it’s damage in our area. God heard our prayers and changed the path of the storm. Keep praying for our safety, God’s protection, and God’s care! We have faith that God is in control of the storm and He will sustain us through it as the storm works to take us all through it!
As you read this, you too may be going through a storm. The storm of your life might be A marriage on the rocks, Sickness, Being fed up, being tired, needing something and can’t find it, needing money and there is no help…. Looking for a new job but can’t find one…Wanting Better circumstances in life and nothing seems to work….being stuck in deplorable conditions and there is no help….the list could go on and on…….. Whatever is causing you stress in your life is also a storm!
If you too are having to endure a storm, remember, in times of storms, we all need to remember to focus on God not the storm. We need to remember to pray to Jesus and don’t focus on the storm. Trust God! Trust Jesus! Not the storm. God controls the eye of all storms. And when the storm is raging, God’s protective arms encircle those in the path of the storm to give comfort, reassurance, and safety. It is in times like these that faith in God pays off. Trust in God pays off. Knowing God pays off. Living a righteous life before God pays off. When storms comes, and prayers are offered for safety God remembers, labors of love, extreme sacrifice, and righteous living. God remembers. God cares and God steps in and does something to save!
Because I have been through many storms, I have learned that if you stand still, pray, hope and don’t worry when a storm is raging, The Holy Spirit will raise up a standard and shield you from the brunt of storms.
The Holy Spirit will also cause a remembrance of all of the spiritual teachings that God has taught over the years to begin to rise up in you to give you the confidence that you may need to hold on to until the storm ceases. No one can weather a storm for you, all storms force you to have to go through them! If you too are going through a storm, keep going. Keep praying. Keep trusting God. God doesn’t always spare us from the brunt of the storm, but He always ride the storms out with us as we go through it, endure it as He sustains us in it!
Continuing to hunker down to ride out the storm,
Evangelist Wendy Evans
Founder and CEO Of WIN International Ministries