Tag Archives: Cover

Inauguration Day: A Prayer for Our New President!

On January 20, 2017, President-elect Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, and Mike Pence as the 48th Vice President. For many in our nation, this season of change brings much hope. For

If You Are Troubled, Pray For A Higher WQ!

What’s your WQ? IQ matters. EQ – emotional quotient – matters more. But WQ – wisdom quotient – is the matter itself. Today I pray with Paul the Apostle for “spiritual wisdom and insight.” Wisdom is the synthesis of God’s

Don’t Worry, The Lord is Near!

Your hand trembles as you open the pathology report that has just come in the mail. Your voice breaks as you let your spouse know that you have lost your job. You don't know how much your friends notice your

Darkness Almost always happens Before Dawn!

The process of discovering, processing, purifying, and shaping gold is a lengthy, painstaking process. Affliction is gold in the making for the child of God, and God is the one who determines how long the process takes. He alone is

9 Things to remember When You Feel Like a Failure!

Sometimes it is real, other times it's imagined, but the feeling of failure is acute. Disappointment in one's self is heart breaking and soul damaging. Paralyzing to the very core. But as the saying goes, failure is not fatal. Nor

“Are You Praying In Your Closet”?

One of the most difficult, but most important, things to learn to do is to “pray in your closet.” By that I mean to do good deeds, accomplish things, and serve others without having to draw a big crowd. When

There May Be Many Reasons God is Allowing Your Pain! Here’s 1!

Is time passing faster, or am I just getting older? Can this really be the last hurrah of the summer? School can't actually be starting already, can it? I feel like swapping my calendar for a stopwatch. Today I have

Have you grown impatient with God?

Dear child of God, have you grown very tired of where you are or have you grown very tired of waiting on the promises of God to manifest in your life? Has waiting on God caused you to grow impatient

God is using Your pain to teach you!

Pain, suffering, and happiness are three rather different words to be linked together. Everyone desires happiness, but this has different meanings for each of us. Furthermore, stress and pain are two major barriers between us and our goal of happiness.

Is God Meeting With You Unrecognized?

Riding a bicycle is not only good exercise, an excuse to enjoy God's green earth, and good for the environment; it's also a way to be touched by God... let me continue. As I rode one Saturday morning recently, having

Troubled or Frustrated?Try Peace Prayers!

The effectiveness of prayer has been clearly proven. Numerous studies demonstrate that healing prayers can be a major contributor to recovery. Similarly, prayer promotes both physical health, emotional well being and peace in those who pray regularly. Anyone who meditates or

Want an escape?Take a minute to imagine!

Imagine if you will that you are in Hawaii on a deserted island with the water and the winds blowing up against your face. The weather is absolutely perfect, you are feeling as free as a bird and you are

Work With No Sweat!

It’s no sweat!” we say when something is easy for us. What if we lived life without sweating? Without straining, hurrying, or worrying? That’s how Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden—till they separated themselves from God. Ever
