Tag Archives: God. God

Can God touch and guide YOU when YOU pray?

Sometimes life can be filled with many problems and those problems that life forces upon you can oftentimes make you feel not only very tired but fearful. But you don’t have to stay saddled down in the downcast anxious position

Don’t give up on Your God given dreams!

God is a God of purpose and planning. There is good reason for everything that He does. The fact that you are here, alive and not dead, means that God has a plan for your life and a purpose for

Bored? Tired? 4 Tips for Better Quiet Time With God!

The perfect quiet time— what should it look like? Should we have a special tree in the shade outside where we can watch the sun rise? Should it be an old wooden bench by the waterfront? Does it need to

Want To Read A Sample Of Our Random Newsletter?

God moves and breathes on us in many different ways to encourage you, share with you and speak to you regarding how He is choosing to work in your life and because of this, we've started to send emails to

Have you ever wondered about Prayer?

Most of us have heard that all prayers are answered. We are told that God either says "Yes" or "No." What if the answer is "Yes"? What if the answer is "No" - how can we deal with it? How

God’s turnaround includes your health!

In addition to turning things around in your finances, God wants to turn things around in your health. Do you ever wake up tired, not feeling good, or with a headache? A backache, a stomach ache, or any other pain,

When nothing works,Seek God’s Grace!

A lot of people are carrying emotional baggage around with them. And what we mean by emotional baggage is guilt from things that they’ve done wrong in the past and things that have gone wrong in the past. Jesus said, “Come

Are you facing impossible situations?

Happy Good Friday! We hope this message finds you blessed and highly favored and walking in the fullness of all that God has for you, but if you are not feeling good or not feeling like you are experiencing God’s

This Good Friday,Look to God to provide for your resurrection!

Do you wonder how you will have sufficient strength to meet some demand made upon you? God will provide! Do you doubt your ability to cope with some situation, with the persons involved? God will provide! Do you need wisdom,
