Tag Archives: godsbailout

Need to Keep Your Head above Water? A Prayer For YOU!

Dear Lord, I sometimes feel like Jonah, especially when all Your waves and breakers broke over him. But on the other hand, I am happy to be the object of Your correction, the focus of Your attention, the apple of

A Prayer For YOU to have a good day!

Our lives are crazy, and anything can happen on any day. When things are going wrong, sometimes all we can focus on are the bad things. Instead, we should look for the surprise blessings that can make any day a

Continue to trust God, despite YOUR disappointments!

When the children of Israel came to the edge of the Promised Land, they sent spies to scope out the area and take stock of what was awaiting them. They discovered beauty unimaginable and resources beyond comprehension, but they were

If You relax your expectations, God will show you A Plan!

The highest level of joy you will ever know is having a clear understanding of God's will and knowing how to fulfill it. Once you know that, you can lace up your shoes and start running. You can only win

The Bible Says “Do Not Worry about Tomorrow” -But, How Do We Do It?

“Do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than

YOUR new levels are coming!

In the Focal Scripture in this article, the ruler of the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee queried the bridegroom about why he chose to keep the best wine till men were drunk with the old. The first wine finished,

Boost your faith, so God can boost YOUR results!

We are presented with doubt so often. It is on television. It is in some music. It is in the news, and many people speak doubt. Faith is the weapon that keeps the Saints afloat. Many scriptures in the Bible

Need Something? Pray the Lord’s prayer!

Prayer is perhaps the most powerful weapon God has given us to wield on this earth. He hears our prayers, and is capable of answering them miraculously, according to His will. He comforts us and remains close to the brokenhearted.

Perhaps A Spiritual Transformation Might Help!

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by

Need God’s Help? Spend More Time with God! 6 Ways You Can!

When I became a Christian , the most oft-used piece of Christian jargon was the phrase 'quiet time'. Used to describe the half-hour (at least) block of time which all Christians enjoyed each morning in prayer, worship and Bible study,

Remember, you’re Not the only 1 Praying! The Holy Spirit Is Praying For You too!

The third person of the Trinity can be the forgotten God. We often miss His work by simply forgetting Who He is and what He is doing in our lives. God is triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And all

Here’s What You need to know if you’re suffering!

As a Pastor’s wife and woman in ministry, one of the most common questions I get asked is “where is God in the midst of my suffering?” I’ve been asked the question a 100 different ways but my answer never

7 ways God talks to you after you pray!

What am I going to do with the rest of my life? Where should I go to school? Should I take this job, or is there something better on the horizon? Who should I marry? Life is a never-ending series

God is still at work in your life! Trust His timing!

What do you do when God closes a door—but the new door that you know He has for you hasn’t appeared or manifested yet? Welcome to Transition! We’ve all been there and some of you may be going through it
