Tag Archives: godsbailout

Don’t Worry, The Mountain Mover is With YOU!

In days of darkness, God regularly delivers his comfort and strength to us through four simple words: “I am with you.” I am with you. The promise comes to God’s fearful people across time and testaments: to Isaac in Beersheba

Need to Keep Your Head above Water? A Prayer For YOU!

Dear Lord, I sometimes feel like Jonah, especially when all Your waves and breakers broke over him. But on the other hand, I am happy to be the object of Your correction, the focus of Your attention, the apple of

Need Something? Pray the Lord’s prayer!

Prayer is perhaps the most powerful weapon God has given us to wield on this earth. He hears our prayers, and is capable of answering them miraculously, according to His will. He comforts us and remains close to the brokenhearted.

Perhaps A Spiritual Transformation Might Help!

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by

God is still at work in your life! Trust His timing!

What do you do when God closes a door—but the new door that you know He has for you hasn’t appeared or manifested yet? Welcome to Transition! We’ve all been there and some of you may be going through it

Let God meet you at “Your” crossroads, God’s fresh starts includes Surprises and Smiles!

At this point in life, I take each surprise as a God thing, a lesson to learn, and a reason to smile! MO is at Black Rock Coffee in Hurst (New place — NOT Black Riffle), smooth dark roast is

Need help as Christmas approaches? Prayers For When YOU Feel Overwhelmed!

Remember: God is not the source of fear. For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)When something or someone causes you to be fearful or worried, pray the prayers

Cling to the Psalms, if you’re going through it!

The Psalms are a treasure-trove of scriptural delight. In fact, many memorable worship songs are drawn from this part of the scripture. From Marty Nystrom’s “As the Dear” (Psalm 42) to Matt Redman’s “Better is one day” (Psalm 85), contemporary

No matter what YOU can trust God!

President Harry Truman famously had on his desk in the Oval Office a sign which said, 'The buck stops here.' What this sign meant was that in the American political system it is in the final instance the President who

YOUR November can be Great! God has a “Plan” for you!

It’s not often that you embark on a journey without knowing where you are going, is it? When I travel somewhere, I usually like to know the route I am going to take to get there, how long it is

Need to find hope in the midst of trying times?

We all go through trying times, periods when our mettle is tested and our capacities are stretched to the max. We all desire to avoid such periods of stress and possible pain, but it’s a fact of life that they

God will help you stay afloat this Year!

Storms come. We can count on them. God never promises us a challenge-free, trial-free, pain-free path. It is up to us to learn how to navigate in stormy waters. The Bible is our manual for doing just that. The Bible

No matter what, don’t let your “song be silenced”!

Never let your song be silenced. In troubling and uncertain times, it can be so easy to lose our joy, let fear creep in and tighten its grip around us and let our song be silenced. With so much going on

God has given you a Sanctuary!

The stone walls of the ancient castle had crumbled and the roof had long since fallen in. But instead of it being a place of desolation, lush plants had sprung up and sunlight filtered through the leaves overhead, creating a
