Tag Archives: Overwhelm

God Can Use your Problems to lead YOU to solutions! A Message For You!

Life can oftentimes be very overwhelming,very draining and it can wear you out. Jesus wants to help you win the battles that you currently face in life if you will invite Him into your circumstances. Jesus wants to help protect

Having a dry season?There’s a reason!

As God continues to work in and through your life to transform you, your situations and your circumstances, you may find that you will have to constantly "Let Go and Let God as He works". God understands how tiring it

Will YOU Be 1 of the 1’s?

When I was a little boy, my dad preached occasionally for small congregations who didn't have a regular preacher. Where he lacked polish, he compensated with his passion and colorful stories. One of his favorite sermons that I heard several

10 Reasons You May Not Want to Pray for Trump. 1 Reason You Should!

All right. It’s Saturday, a few days after the election. If you stayed up for the election returns last night, you’re experiencing something like a hangover today. Donald Trump has been named President-elect of this country. Like it or not,

Afflictions Help You See God’s Solutions- A Message For YOU!

Life can oftentimes be very overwhelming,very draining and it can wear you out. Jesus wants to help you win the battles that you currently face in life if you will invite Him into your circumstances. Jesus wants to help protect

Don’t let the devil steal your God-sized dreams!

Life can oftentimes be very overwhelming,very draining and it can wear you out. Jesus wants to help you win the battles that you currently face in life if you will invite Him into your circumstances. Jesus wants to help protect

As you wait on God for your turnaround…

God never promised that life would be a bed of roses for anyone. Instead of life being a bed of roses for you, you may find that your life is often filled with thorns. The thorns in your life may

Your turnaround is coming!A Message For You!

Life can oftentimes be very overwhelming,very draining and it can wear you out.Jesus wants to help you win the battles that you currently face in life if you will invite Him into your circumstances.Up until now you may not have

God is for you, not against you

With all the pressures that we face daily, we may sometimes feel like God were a foe and not a friend. This feeling is without doubt baseless since God is not the source of your stress and headache. Many Christians

Are Your Troubles Because of Your High Calling?

Many professions draw public attention like warm watermelon draws flies. Those who practice them are constantly in the news. If it isn't the money they make, it's the company they keep or the trends they set or the controversy they

There May Be Many Reasons God is Allowing Your Pain! Here’s 1!

Is time passing faster, or am I just getting older? Can this really be the last hurrah of the summer? School can't actually be starting already, can it? I feel like swapping my calendar for a stopwatch. Today I have

Use Travail to birth your miracle this Christmas!

As of right now, depending upon where you are in the world, there are 5 more days before Christmas and 11 more days in this year, the clock is ticking. We've been speaking to you about finishing your 2015 strong

God has a “shift”for you! A Message For You!

Setbacks,bad breaks and things that don't work right will have no power over you when God's shift comes in your life! Evangelist Wendy Evans has a "now" word for you from God on "shifting things around"! Listen as she shares!

Got problems?Turn to God for help!

The world we live in is changing everyday. It is so incredibly easy to become dragged down and depressed by everyday life. It can sometimes seem like you don't get through going through one thing before you have to go
