Tag Archives: sick

7 Ways to overcome YOUR challenges!

One of history’s greatest victories happened when faithful people followed God’s guidance during the battle of Jericho, and the city’s massive walls fell down so they could take the land he had promised them. Just as those ancient people marched

Need healing? God is YOUR Healer!

Do you need God’s healing in an area of your life? God isn’t just the One who healed in the stories of the Bible. Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”That means Jehovah Rapha

Hate To Wait For God? 8 Reasons You Should Wait for God to guide you!

With e-ticket receipt printed, music selected, and exciting meetings planned, I felt totally excited. I couldn’t wait to fly to Nashville and record my latest album with a Grammy-winning producer. Suddenly, I got sick. My plans crashed. With the trip

Weary From Spiritual Warfare? Expect A TurnAround!

Dear intercessors, Spiritual warfare is part of the Christian life. Psalm 144:1 says, "Praise be to the Lord, my Rock. Who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle." Exodus 15:3 says, "The Lord is a mighty warrior; the

Let God Help Use Your Problems to create A New Vision!

To really succeed in life, God wants you to have a God sized vision that He has given you, so that He can help you make it come true. God wants your vision to be so large and so impossible

No matter what, don’t let your “song be silenced”!

Never let your song be silenced. In troubling and uncertain times, it can be so easy to lose our joy, let fear creep in and tighten its grip around us and let our song be silenced. With so much going on

Don’t like how things are?Try This!

Do you know the power God has invested in your words? Your words have such power that they can stop you from receiving what God has for you. God has invested great power in the words you speak daily, weekly

Get ready, the New Year is coming!

With Christmas behind us now, the New Year is fast approaching! The really wonderful thing about the New Year coming is that the old year is going away and the promise of the New Year is right around the

Get Free This Month, Let ~God Loose You!

As I sat in church at a healing service one morning, I could hear the guest minister saying, “You can be healed if you’re willing. God is willing. Are you?” I watched as a few people made their way to

3 Reasons the Resurrection is Important to YOU!

We recently examined seven signs that Jesus rose from the dead. With these facts in mind we are left with one question: Why is the resurrection important today? What difference does it make? Because He is risen, we concluded that

How are you handling the Seeds God gives YOU?

A successful businessman was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his Directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He gathered the

Trust God To Help YOU Manage YOUR New Year!

There are a number of different reasons why some people are afraid to trust God for His help. But it seems that in the troubling days we are living in, a few more people each day are at least considering

As God works to Transform You, Are you Tired and Worn out?

“God gives power to those who are tired and worn out, and he offers strength to the weak.” (Isaiah 40:29) When you believe in Jesus, you get God’s strength for daily living. I used to think this wasn’t a big deal.
