4 Reasons Your Faith Needs God’s Promises

The first few years of becoming a Christian most people don’t study or emphasize God’s promises.
God has many promises of salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life. But in order to know what those promises are, you must read the Bible and pay attention to what His promises state.
When you are faced with needs, temptations, or trials — instead of saying vague things like “God will work it out,” or instead of relying on your own will-power, if you’ve studied God’s promises, you’ll know what to pray and what to claim as you wait on God to work in and through your circumstances.
Often times if you don’t study God’s word and become grounded in scriptures. as a result you can become very tired of your circumstances. very distrustful of what your future holds and often God can feel more and more distant from you and your problems, plus your love for Christ often withers, and your power over sin usually shrinks.
How About You?
How often do you think about God’s promises? How many of God’s promises do you know? How many of God’s promises are you claiming in your circumstances?
Do you turn to promises in God’s Word when you –
- are worried about money?
- are being tempted?
- need wisdom for a decision?
- are feeling empty?
- are fearful about the future?
- feel inadequate?
If not, you are not alone. We have found that many Christians do not understand the importance of God’s promises.
So we’d like to encourage you to start learning, and trusting, more and more of God’s promises.
And here are four reasons to inspire you to begin studying, reading and claiming God’s promises –
First, because faith MEANS trusting God’s promises.
We are called to “walk in the footsteps of” Abraham’s faith (Romans 4:12). And for Abraham, faith meant trusting God’s promises –
No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. (Romans 4:20-21)
So faith means trusting God to do what he has promised. In Abraham’s case, he trusted God’s promise to give him a son (Genesis 18:14). In our case, we trust the promises God gives us in his Word.
So since faith means trusting God’s promises, how can you have faith without focusing on one of God’s promises?
You can’t.
Second, without a promise your faith will at best be vague.
Let’s say you are facing a trial. If you aren’t trusting a specific promise from God’s Word, you are probably only trusting that God will “work everything out,” or “take care of it.”
But what does that mean? HOW will God work everything out? HOW will He take care of it? The only way you can know is by learning what God has actually promised in the Bible.
Otherwise, you won’t know.
Third, without a promise your faith could be mistaken.
What if you remember reading that Jesus gives abundant life, and so you trust that He will never let you become sick.
Is what you are believing true? No. God does not promise perfect health (Exodus 4:11; Job 2:7; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10).
So if you don’t learn what God does promise, and end up trusting what He does not promise, your faith will be mistaken.
And that can bring deep disappointment.
Fourth, it’s by trusting God’s promises that faith is strengthened.
We see that in Romans 10:17 –
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
The word of Christ includes God’s promises.
So let’s say your faith is weak. If you will prayerfully hear a promise from God’s Word like, “Fear not, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10), your faith will be strengthened.
But if instead you just repeat to yourself vague generalities like “It’s going to be OK,” your faith will not be strengthened, because what strengthens faith is the word of God.
Wouldn’t you rather have your faith strengthened?
Fill Up The Tank
Faith means trusting God’s promises. Which makes God’s promises essential.
It’s like faith is the engine, and God’s promises are the fuel.
You want your engine to run, don’t you?
So — fill up YOUR tank.